Friday, August 20, 2010

8 ways to win my heart.

1. Talk to me.
2. Be polite and chivalrous.
3. Destroy all my stereotypes.
4. Be passionate about something or have a hobby or do something other than play video games all day.
5. Care.
6. Show an interest in my life outside of school because I do have one.
7. Show my facebook and cellphone some love.
8. Make me feel comfortable.

there you go. and the nine that i actually posted on tumblr:

1. It is really hard for me to make friends or talk to people. I need a guide. Or I would like to just type all my conversations.
2. I have high expectations for myself once I’m out of school.
3. I love to sing but I’m really bad at it.
4. I tend to quit when I’m not good at something. Examples: Soccer in fourth grade when I was the reason our team lost according to one girl. Irish dancing when I didn’t practice as much as the other girls and I couldn’t stretch like the other girls and I was in a class lower than all the girls my age. Chorus in 7th grade when it was the only grade I had in the 80s because of stupid sight reading.
5. The only thing I haven’t quit yet is horseback riding but I have thought about it before.
6. I wrote a book.
7. During the summer I always say “this will be my year” and it never is.
8. “Your welcome” annoys me so much.
9. The majority of people don’t know the eight things above this that you now know.

and guess who i saw today? Jacob the farrier. yep. and Adam. all i said to Adam was hi, i'm good how are you? and that was it. i didn't even say bye because he left when i went down to get Murray. and i didn't say anything to Jacob except when I passed Meika and said "Meika stop slobbering him" because she got it pretty bad all over his back. It was cute though.

yeah so i wasn't really thinking about all the cute guys when i got dressed today so i just put on a t-shirt. i was going between this camp t-shirt and the hardrock shirt. i wished i picked the Hard Rock shirt.

i have a horse show tomorrow. i'm not really looking forward to it. but i'll be fine. not including the horse show i only have five full days at home before school starts. the rest will be spent in Delaware.

this morning Danny was online facebook chat but it was because some other previous-senior told him to. so i didn't talk to him. yeah whatever. i don't think i should really go out of my way to talk to him. but i don't know. i didn't go out of my way to talk to Adam but I stuff to do. and plus i think i'll be better off if i wait a bit and let him get used to the whole barn and working thing. i've been at that barn for about five years so i've been there longer than most of the people there. i'm used to it by now.

but there you go.