Tuesday, August 24, 2010

i'm gonna write a song and sing it in my head.

Danny Danny Danny Hentz, Danny Danny Danny Hentz, Danny Danny Danny Hentz is on facebook chat.
Danny Danny Danny Hentz is online.
I want Danny Danny Danny Hentz to talk to me.
I would talk to Danny Danny Danny Hentz first but that would seem desperate slash weird slash not right.
But what if Danny Danny Danny Hentz is waiting for me to talk to him first?
But what if Danny Danny Danny Hentz doesn't want to talk to me?
Danny Danny Danny Hentz, I don't have much else to do so why don't you talk to me?
Goodness gracias Danny Danny Danny Hentz.
This isn't creepy or anything.
I'm just watching America's Got Talent and I'm kind of bored and Danny Danny Danny Hentz is torturing me by being online and not talking to me.
Abby Abby Abby Torrey I wish you were online so I could share my sorrow with someone.
Should I talk to him or should I not?
I may not have another chance.
But still.
This sucks.
But not really.
Now it's a commercial on AGT.
I don't know what else to say in this song.
I came this close to talking to Danny Danny Hentz but instead of clicking Enter i Xed out because i thought about what i posted on his wall and i thought it would be too soon.
gah but i do want to talk to him.
if you want to talk to him then why don't you?
because of all the stupid mind stuff. that stuff is stupid though. right?
ahahahh i just sent him a message.
i'm a silly girl.
but whatever it's almost 11 at night.
it affects my mind.
i can't look to see if he is responding or not.
i'm just going to...just kidding he sent me a message
at least it looks like he is excited to talk to me but who knows.
i need to not respond so quickly.
i type too fast.
i should watch Prince Poppycock instead.
okay i will.
i didn't give him much to respond to. maybe that is why he isn't.
or maybe he is talking to people he actually likes talking to.
and he responded but i don't have anything else to say.
so what do i do? that's a song by papa roach.
i guess i just won't respond unless i can think of something.
Abby Torrey where are you?
Almost time to vote for Taylor Mathews.
I better get ready.
He didn't have the best night so I have to vote to secure that I will see him on tour or else it isn't worth even going.

So I am kind of glad that I talked to him cause see here:
I just figured out where you heard of The Blue Van: the iPad commercial.
it's "there goes my love!"
YES! I figured it out! That is one of the songs I downloaded too.
cool man! hope you like it
So far so good. Thanks again! Hit me up next time you hear a good song on a commercial.
hahaha totally i have this sick app on my phone that analyzes songs
so i usually never miss a beat
sorry Safari "unexpectedly quit" and analyzes? like says how good a song is?
no tells me what song is which
ohhhhh that makes sense.
"this. song rooooocks!"
haha that is what i was thinking. i was wondering if you had to tune it to your music taste or something. XD
ummmm no my friend you are confuseddd
hey unfortunately i've g2g i'm being kicked off
i think i am all set now. haha.
hahaha ttyl
alrighty! bye!

I iwsh I had thought of something better to say and i'm thinking and i'm thinking before he goes offline and i've got nothing. but here are the ups of this convo: he said "my friend" and he said "ttyl" thank you very much. and now he is offline. i'm kind of happy with that convo. i know i said i wasn't going to talk to him but that didn't turn out that badly did it? it lasted all of 10 minutes but it seemed longer than that. how long did yesterday's convo last? That lasted 20 minutes. Oooo. Double the time. Anyways there you go.
it's 11:22pm.