Wednesday, August 4, 2010

i'm happy.

there is a chance i shall be seeing Taylor Mathews on tour because he is onto the next round.

it was those 110 votes that did it.

i stayed up until 1:30 in the morning. woke up at 5 in the morning, realized my monthly visitor had arrived, had a terrible time falling back asleep, woke up at 8:30 fell back asleep, then 9 something i woke up when on my computer, got ready for Boston, and left the house at 11. rode in the car for two hours with my back absolutely killing me while listening to the movie Happily Never After while my sisters watched it in the back seat. got my haircut, relaxed around my aunt's house, went to the beach, took some pictures, came back, and crossed my fingers as I watched Taylor Mathews move onto the next round.

now what i am going to do? i am going to wait and see who the last person to make it through is, you know to suss out Taylor's competition then go to sleep. oh and i posted on Taylor's fan page that he runs saying how I liked how he tried to like everything on his page and he actually commented back. and then i commented back. not sure if that is worthy of posting the exact quote on here or not. annnnd i'll let you know that after the audition before he performed in Vegas or Hollywood i had a nice little game going where i would ask him questions but it was supposed to go two ways and when i asked him to ask me a question he didn't have one so i just sort of stopped. no need to waste his time. but yeah. i better go watch the rest of AGT. i'll be seeing it live on October 29th at Foxwoods. that is once my mother buys the tickets but she said she would. cannn't wait.