Tuesday, August 3, 2010

today i went to the barn early and was there from 9 to about 2. Adam wasn't there. Emily came and went but no sign of her brother. tsk tsk.

but i just wanted to show you something kind of weird. my birthday is 6-27. Adam's birthday is 8-7. you are probably wondering where i am taking this but hold on...okay. if you add 6+2 you get 8. so 6-27 turns into 6+2-7 which turns into 8-7 which is Adam's birthday. and you know im into the whole birthday date thing. like when the time is 6:27. but anyways isn't that awesome? it's like how Brian Edmonds's birthday is on the 27th (of March or May? i forgot). anyways is that cool or what? and the reason i figure that out is because for some reason i thought his birthday was today so i checked and it was actually the 7th and when i was outside today letting Pride eat some grass i started thinking about his birthday and such and for some reason i did that. anyways.

there will be no chance of me seeing him until Saturday and probably not then either because i'm not going to the barn in the morning. so yep.

and it was funny. today Carolyn was saying how she was turning part of the lower barn into a stall like thing for the Mule (4h wheeler, not a real mule) and she had "Adam, Emily's brother" helping her clean it out. it was just funny the way she had to explain who Adam was to me, like I didn't know. ha.

i think that is all i have to say. i am going to get a hair cut. just one. alrighty. i should read that stupid book but instead i'm going to watch tv on my computer and pack for Boston. chyeahhh.