Tuesday, August 24, 2010


i don't really need help but that is the theme of my sketchbook. i'm doing a project called "The Sketchbook Project" their description of it is: "it's like a concert tour but with sketchbooks". so i just got this book and i have to fill it up with artwork and then it will travel around the US. i'm supposed to be creative but so far all i have is "Help! I'm not an artist" because I'm not. But I paid almost $50 for this so we will see how it goes.

but my conversation with Danny went fairly well except for when he left. but he posted on my wall:
Danny Hentz hey i'm sooooo sorry for logging off!!! i got called off the computer and came back too late :( but enjoy the music i shared!!! :D
16 hours ago · Comment · Like · See Wall-to-Wall
and then i responded with:
Hey no problem, that's what I figured. And yes, thank you! We have to do that again because it was very successful. (:
5 hours ago · Comment · Like

so yeah but i got four good songs out of that. but i am still wondering what the heck he was saying at the end there. but anyways now this means i probably won't talk to him for a week or two unless he contacts me first. cause that is how it goes. i haven't gotten around to Xing out of his convo yet so it is still there on my facebook page it's just gray.

i should be doing homework but i seriously don't want to. i don't have anything else to do. i could start on my sketchbook but that is scary. there are about 45 pages front and back so about 100 pages i have to fill with art! that is very scary. i have until January. woo.

i want Abby to be online so i can talk to her, i guess i could text her but i don't have anything to say to her really.