Wednesday, August 19, 2015

hi so a strange thing happened to me yesterday. hold on I need to see if there is any past reference of the guy i'm about to talk about. okay I don't think there is on the blog. but 53 weeks ago I went to one of Erin's friends house and they have woods in the back that they cleared out a bit for a bonfire and a stage called "The Clubhouse" so we saw a band called Fever Fever play. and two of the guys were my age and we talked to them for a bit. and then the next night we went to their actual show. and they were really good and it was fun. and I posted pictures on instagram. and I added the two of them on facebook. and then the one who I thought was nicer and all had a girlfriend. so I have just sort of followed their band and all and I really like their music. and that was all.

but then yesterday Andrew, the guy I talked about above, messaged me on facebook wondering how he knew me. and then he was wondering when I would be back in Nashville. and I asked why he wanted to know. and it went into a full conversation of me trying to figure out his intentions. which ended with him saying we were flirting...

I mean the conversation was fun but i'm 90% sure he has a girlfriend unless that has changed very recently and the gf hasn't changed her fb status yet. sooo kind of confusing. why would you be messaging me when you have a gf? according to fb they got together a year ago so like right after I met him.

but somehow I promised him I would message him again today...I am still so confused. but it was fun and the odds of me ever seeing him again anytime soon are very slim.

and i'm not actually that interested. while he is cute in a quirky way. if he is dating his girlfriend i'm not interested in a guy who fb messages other girls while in a relationships and girls that he barely knows and met once a year ago. not a good situation.

but because it is fun. and I see little risk currently. I will message him again tonight. I will try not to stay up as late as I did last night. I think I will leave the convo here for prosperity. now I am guessing if I actually should message him tonight or not. Molly, you know yourself, you will.

boys. so confusing. but I am learning they are usually straightforward and don't think as much as I do. so instead of trying to figure out all their whys and motives, just go with whatever is obvious, because that is probably the case.

but I haven't heard from Matt which is good because I don't really want to have to deal with that and I don't really feel like seeing him again. so it is easier to just have silence...

haven't talked to Derek since skyping but that is good.

but the whole Andrew thing is still very strange to me. I am still wondering if it is someone other than him messaging. like maybe his girlfriend. or one of his friend hacked his account. I kind of wish I could go back and change some of my messages to see what would have happened.

I just have a weird feeling about the whole thing. yeah now that the fun and excitement as worn off I just feel weird about it. I will see how I feel tonight but I will probably message him again just to see and then either get some actual answers or just sort of let it go...

Tuesday 12:36am
WHERE DID I MEET YOU sorry I can't remember but you look so familiar
Tuesday 10:28am
Hahaha I met you in Nashville last summer at Davys clubhouse one night when fever fever performed!
YES right of course. sorry. smile emoticon
Not a problem! It was a while ago and I haven't seen you since then. Plus you meet a lot of people! smile emoticon
you don't live in Nashville now though??
No, I was only there last summer. I'm in Boston now. I have one year of school left, so you know where I will end up after that!
haha awesome. then maybe I actually WILL see you again!
12 hours ago
probably not til next summer I assume?
Probably not, but who knows!
May I ask if there is a certain reason why you're asking?!
hmm what would be a good reason? haha smile emoticon
Like oh hey you should come out to our show, or maybe you could manage this band, or you would be perfect for this job, or I have this awesome friend you should meet, or you seem really cool even though I forget we met so we should meet again
Hahaha noo I'm kidding. I was just curious since it was kind of random.
haha I know, I'm random just. wanted to say hi...? hehe
Im always skeptical...still think there is some other motivation hahaha but hi!
ahem well what are you suspecting
I have no idea!
hmmmm. that doesn't sound true. haha smile emoticon
Okay so I have a lot of ideas but none seem plausible. It would be a lot easier if you just told me...
yes but is that as fun? wink emoticon
squint emoticon so you're admitting there is a reason? Or this is just a game or kind of experiment...
there might be.
but games are fun too. smile emoticon
Well you have about 5 minutes to admit your true intentions before I call it quits!
oh shit!
Well I hope you found this entertaining!
okay okay shhh
I remember I thought you were cute.
Oh okay, cool thanks. Awesome reason.
is it...?
or is that sarcasm. ha.
Hahaha you're catching on
oops. sorry.
No no, just expecting a different reason?
Yeah? You just saw me on fb though oh she is cute let me message her and see when she is in Nashville next? And I thought you were in a relationship? Or you just base potential friends on cuteness? Hahaha
no I thought you were cute when I met you haha smile emoticon
You're still just confusing me but it's okay. I can live with that!
like when I met you in Nashville
Yes yes, that part doesn't confuse me. The part where that is the reason why you are wondering when ill be back in Nashville is confusing.
oh. uhm. cuz I was just wondering if I'd see you again.
Oh okay!
is that alright?
Alright that I would see you again? Yes. Alright for an answer? I guess I will have to accept it or I could continue asking why
keep asking away haha smile emoticon
This is 100% a game for you! I hope you have like all of your friends and you're all getting a kick out of this. But I'll keep playing along a bit longer.
what psh it's just me here haha what friends.
sorry if I'm offending you 😬
Why are you wondering if you would see me again, Andrew? Other than previous states reasons about cuteness.
No no, just always cautious with fb messaging
haha that's fair
sigh I don't knowww I like seeing cute people...?
Why is that? Do you think cute people are more interesting? Is there something you were hoping to gain by seeing me again?
Haha you're really making me work here to get info even if there is no info to get...
hahaha youre fun uhm idk. fun things can happen with cute people.
Like you're doing this on purpose to drive me crazy or to keep this convo going on as long as possible. "Fun things"?!
haha sorry if I'm driving you crazy smile emoticon it's FUN see
You're not actually sorry. But I've figured it out. I'm going to tell you what was going on in your head from when you first messaged me to now.
haha oh shit smile emoticon
Andrews thoughts: "hm how do I know this girl I'm fb friends with she looks familiar. Oh right the clubhouse. I thought she was cute. I wonder when I'll ever see her again let me ask. Oh she wants to know why I want to know. Hmm why do I want to know? Oh she's funny let's keep this going. I guess I will tell her I thought she was cute. She didn't like that answer?! All girls like to be told their cute. But this is still fun, I want to keep this going. Wow this convo ended up being different than expected but I'm glad, I had fun, but I am still wondering when ill see her again"
you're good. hehe. smile emoticon
Accurate, right?
pretty accurate smile emoticon
sorry. haha smile emoticon
Don't be sorry, obviously I thought it was fun too
But any major flaws? Improvements to help for the next time I figure out what someone is thinking?
haha! umm. hmm. nothing major.
I mean small flaws are okay too. Its a skill I'm continually refining. Haha
I mean. nah. I do think you're cute and I do think this is fun so. those  are the major points. wink emoticon
Okay the little make me think otherwise.
haha how's that
Nope not doing this again. But it's like "hint hint wink wink get the inside joke"
oh goodness. we're flirting get over it.
Yessss thank you
bein honest. haha smile emoticon
That's all I ever wanted!
aw really
For you to be honest, yes!
well there it was
Now I can sleep in peace and not talk to you for another year.
haha what nooo
I mean sleep is good for me, it's past midnight here!
same here!!
Oh see I don't even know what time zone you're in.
wow do you even care
I really don't. Which is why I'm going to sleep and then just continue on with my life with just the memory of a random fun fb convo
haha woah. harsh.
The real world is harsh!
I guess so.
Haha kidding, but I actually am going to go to sleep. I have an exciting day tomorrow. But I guess feel free to message me again? Not really sure how to go from here...
oh? are you sure?
I mean if you want to...
or you could message me...
Oooo, that's a bit harder
how so?
I mean I could. But I don't like to bother people sooo I only usually message people who I know will enjoy being bothered by me
but I will enjoy it
Okay then maybe I will message you
oh man that's exciting
I mean I know you'll just be checking your phone waiting in anticipation
don't keep me waiting
That is not a promise I can make. I can't seem over eager and I have to think of something smart to say. And the whole life thing I have going on.
oh right right. can't seem too eager to talk to me again.
Exactly. If I messaged you like tomorrow, you might be alarmed and get scared off
but tomorrow is when I want you to message me.
Okay then I will.
that's more like it. hehe.
Okay, goodnight!
night smile emoticon
Chat Conversation End