Sunday, November 9, 2014

hiii so i'm not sure what to write, I just felt like I should.

I just got back from a weeklong trip around Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macau, and Zhuhai. So I am exhausted and I have done nothing all day.

but now I have new friends. it's strange. during the trip, I hung out the whole time with this guy named Josh - I know I know. but he was friends with Roxy so by default I sort of hang out with him a lot. and I get along really well with him actually. he kind of reminds me of ex-boyfriend Josh. which is also really weird. but he's 25 and there's no way it would ever actually work between us - but my thought process is to enjoy being his friend and having him around while we are both here in China.

and then I sort of made another friend, Derek, cause he just started hanging out with us. and then yesterday Kristen, Derek, Josh, and I were supposed to go to a beer festival that Roxy was working at for her internship, but then Josh bailed so it ended up just being Derek, Kristen, and I. and it was fun just talking with him and hanging out with them.

it's strange how you make friends though. like I don't know what made Derek want to hang out with me and all. and I don't know. Kristen doesn't understand why I think I can't make friends or why I am confused when I make friends. but yeah that's still a thing.

the hard part now is transitioning from the trip where we hung out all the time and were great buds to our lives back at the dorm and seeing how that works out. like Josh randomly messaged me today but he didn't really say anything, just sent me a sticker disguised as a voice message and that was that. so I am not sure what the point of that was. I think I might see him tomorrow because he has an internship too and the internship class is going on a field trip.

OH WOW look at me talking about this when I have something more pressing to talk about. like the fact that my dad is engaged and he hasn't told me. yeah. I saw a while ago on facebook that Anna posted something in Chinese about him calling his mom to ask for marriage. and I didn't think too much of it. I was like whatever. and then while I was on the trip, maeve called me and told me that he told her. actually more like he had texted Maura and used the word "fiancé" and Maura told Maeve to warn her. and then he and Anna brought them out to dinner and told them then. and I still haven't been told by him. I can't get texts on my phone but that isn't an excuse because he can viber me, email me, ask my sisters why I am not responding. but then yesterday Anna messaged me on facebook making it sound like my dad was worried and making sure I was okay. yeah i'm fine. thanks so much for your concern. then finally daddy messaged me on viber. still so mad though that he hasn't told me. it has almost been a week. thanks so much, dad.


but my lazy day has to end now. time to go get dinner and then I have a presentation to put together for tomorrow. and then i'm sure tonight i'll probably get a call from my dad. that will be fun. can't wait.