Sunday, November 23, 2014

guys I don't know what to do. I just talked to my dad. and that went fine. but then he started talking about my sisters and saying how they haven't talked to him. and how the day when he asked anna to marry him he could have told my sisters...but when he said he was going to see anna for her birthday they didn't ask him anything like oh what did you get her? or how is she doing? "like any normal person would" and how my sisters never ask him how he is or how his day was and they just act like "spoiled brats." and then telling me how Maeve acts and how she makes it difficult. and how he doesn't know what to do.

also when I told him about anna he said that he is sure she meant well and her English isn't that good so sometimes she doesn't mean what she says. then maeve reminded me that she blocked me on facebook...then unblocked me and proceeded to send more messages.

but anyways I go and tell maeve all of this and I just want to paste some of the messages on here cause I don't know what to do think or what to do about any of this.

this is Maeve's response after I told her basically what I just said above:

he's literally messed up
 he is honestly a big baby
like he treats us like shit and does all these things a parent should not do and then throws a fit when we don't treat him like respectful kids
hypocrite much
i literally can't even believe he still bad mouths me and mo in front of you.... like what the hell is that going to do
i honestly could care less about someone's life if that person treats me this way
just because he's my father doesn't mean i have to be involved in his life/ eager to know about his personal life
and even if he is upset about us not doing asking him stuff, pretty sure his faults are 10000 times worse. he just says that stuff to deflect the attention away from his actions
this is what he does ALL the time... no matter what you say he always makes it YOUR fault and not his
and anna did not mean well!!!!! blocking you on facebook requires no words & its pretty obvious what that meant

You: yeah i don't even know anymore. i mean all we can do is make the best of a crappy situation and just deal with it i guess. he said he didn't know what to do anymore and that he would give anymore the space or time or whatever they need. but really i'm sure he is still focused on himself.
You: oh right the whole blocking me thing, that does change things.
You: really i just want to get to a state where we can just sort of coexist with him without problems and stress. which i guess is easier for me when i'm not there

Maeve: honestly, whatever you do just don't believe him. its sad but true that all he cares about is him self and he could care less about us. he just wants us to be happy so that he can feel better about himself. its how he works, ive been dealing with it for two years.
but yes, we make the best of the situation. but we do not deal with his behaviour. because i refuse to be disrespected and treated like shit by him anymore. i dont need him in my life constantly telling me im living my life wrong and im the mean one to him and im the one who messed this up for him and for everyone. and thats such a lie that he doesnt know what to do anymore. he is so full of himself.
 it is so obvious that we are upset with his behavior and how the marriage went about. and how does he handle it? never talks to us about it. he doesnt say anything to us. and when he does to me, its insulting and critizing me and bad mouthing me in front of my siblings. does he really thing thats going to make me want to have anything to do with him? he has hurt me enough, and if he continues to pull off his act, i want nothing to do with him. i have honestly been happier in the last month because i havent had to endure my weekly shame session where he attacks me. so we'll see what happens in the future, but for now im over it.

You: Maeve, i believe you, and you have the right to do what you with your life. if you don't want to see him you don't have to. you can make the decision. and honestly i have no idea what to say or do. but i'm here for you and i believe and i will stand by you. i'm sorry i didn't stand up for you when i talked to daddy.

Maeve: its okay! he wouldn't have listened anyways. i'm here for you too, i know it's new to you to see this side of him so it's probably still pretty shocking. i'm not really phased by it as much anymore because ive already felt the hurt from the last two years. so feel free to get out how you feel even if it seems like im over it cause i know its a lot to deal with. even though we're all dealing with it, its a totally different experiece for each of us

soo yeah I don't know what to say or do anymore. I don't know how to handle this situation. I don't want to handle it. I just want to run away from all of it. maybe that's why I am never home. let me go to Nashville, Shanghai, Chile, on tour, anywhere but home.

okay now I have to sleep because tomorrow I have to wake up early to take a shower, study, and try to take care of this toe. and then I have a test, a field trip, and i'm babysitting. so another day in China. only 21 days left...