Sunday, August 10, 2014

6 Questions to Ask When Your Life's About to Change

1. Where Am I?

Where am I emotionally?
Where am I physically?
Where am I financially?
Where am I relationally?
Where am I spiritually?

This is difficult. But I'll start with the easier ones.

Financially - I am relying on my parents to fund my college tuition. Right now I have enough money personally to get me through next semester in China. I actually figured this all out and broke it up so it was a third, a third, a third between my parents and I. Then I find out that actually my dad is only paying 8,000 a semester which is less than a third. but basically my mom said i could keep all the money in my account for spending in china - which is about 2,000. i will probably spend all of that in china. after that i will have to start working next semester for sure. because soon i will have to be paying off student loans. so right now i am okay. i have enough to make it by next semester if i still to the budget i made. after that i have to make sure i get a good paying job with enough hours if i want to pay my share for college and begin paying off my loans.

Relationally - I am single. i almost wrote happily single but i need to be honest with myself. in my head i know it is the right thing to be single right now and to be that way at least through this semester. but in my heart i am lonely and just want someone to be interested. i don't know. but basically i am okay with the fact that i am single and have no potentials either. with my friends, i have to remember to work at my friendships because it is so easy for me to let them slip away when it isn't convenient. but i have amazing friends.

Spiritually - I have been reawaken to God and that whole shabang. i am still figuring out where i stand religiously and spiritually. i have been thinking about God a whole lot more since i've been in Nashville.

Physically - I am in good health. I could probably work out some more to make me stronger but overall i am healthy and i am happy where i am physically.

Emotionally - I am doing well. I am working on strengthening myself emotionally. I still have mood swings and low points but overall i am pretty stable and well.

2. What Do I Need to Leave Behind?

I need to stop thinking about Abby and Josh and the friendships I lost there. I don't know if giving that money to Abby was a good idea or not. but i did it and i hope her to best. and Josh made it clear that he doesn't want to talk to me. so I need to stop thinking about them and leave them behind. I am on to bigger and better things. it will be easier when i am in China, I have just had a lot of time to think while in Nashville.

Also I am so excited to leave behind social media. I feel right now like I'm a slave to them constantly checking. so it will be amazing to not have to check that all the time. goodbye facebook and twitter.

3. Who Do I Want to Be and How am I Going to Get There?

I want to be one of those girls who is just confident in herself and so opening and welcome and authentic that people are just drawn to her and they are fascinated by how she is just herself and how she is happy and how she makes other people glow too. I want to be aware of others and how I affect them and I want to affect them positively. I want to have a strong sense of self and self-worth and self-love. I want to feel like I can do anything. I want to be ready to take on the world and move into my next phase.

and now how am i going to get there? by opening myself up in China and letting myself experience new things and meet new people. by being honest with myself and being comfortable in my own skin no matter where i am. by knowing that i am strong and talented and smart. and by looking out for other people as well as myself. and by just being the best me i can. and by learning.

4. Where is There Room For Growth?

I think I am holding myself back by keeping myself withdrawn in myself. I need to allow myself to branch out and just go for it. To stop being my own worst enemy.

5. Who Do I Want By My Side?

My mom. Maeve. Maura. Roxy. Ellie. Amelie. Emma. I think those are the people who are really going to stick by me so I need to stick by them.

6. What Are My Motivations?

Why? Why am I going to China? For myself. So I can become a better person and in turn help others. I need to better myself and do this for myself so I can be the kind of person who always lifts other people up and helps them. I am going here so I can become more capable for whatever comes my way.

I feel like that was kind of cheesy and I didn't really get to the root of anything. But it might have helped a bit. I also was rushing through it because it was taking a long time.