Monday, April 21, 2014

Hi, some big things are going to be happening to me soon. in 3 weeks i'll be done with my sophomore year of college. half way done with college already. that seems too crazy. i don't even understand. it seems like i just started. i'm finally understanding this whole time passes by quickly thing. i don't feel old enough to be half way done with college. and every time i say half way done with college it seems weird.

but other than that. in 4 weeks, a month, i'll be in Nashville. i am going to be living on my own in Nashville with an internship at a record label and hopefully a part time job. i just realized this will be like my first time living on my own. okay, yes, college, but they have a cafeteria, health services on campus, campus police, and everything is right there. it's like a little bubble that i live in. i am going to be living on my own with no babson support system. and it's going to be in a completely different state and city on top of that. what am i getting myself into? how am i going to feed myself? no trim! it's going to be crazy and i'm going to grow up a lot. it's like the first big step for me. but i feel like i need to do it. when i'm home i feel comfortable but i just sort of lug around and stay in my pjs all day and live out of my suitcase. it is like i don't belong here for long periods of time anymore. i mean i am sure i would be fine living here. but i need to push the envelope, step out of my comfort zone. and that i am going to do in a month...

and then once i get back from Nashville i only have a few weeks and then i'm going to China for a semester and i'm going to live there. woooooow, molly. you said you wanted to travel and now you really are. china seems so far away but i'm going to be there before i know it. when i get back from China and go back to Babson in the spring of 2015, i feel like i'm going to be a completely different grown up person. living on my own in Nashville, studying in China. like molly is going to be completely independent.

i'm understanding the whole, the only person you have to rely on is yourself, and how to have happiness from within, and you should love yourself - why? because i'm going to be on my own all summer! while i still have family and friends they aren't going to be there with me. i am going to be doing it all on my own so i better be able to rely on myself.

anyways i still have 3 weeks of school to get through. i should do some more work and then get ready to head back to babson. i was home for the long Easter weekend. but back to the last push before school is done! only 3 projects to get through...