Saturday, July 14, 2012

i'm so excited for college!

like crazy excited. i had the babson family day today. so i got to talk to a bunch of people really. i think i did a good job at talked to a lot of people. let me try to count...15 different people minimum. woot! i wasn't too worried about making lasting friends now, i will do that when i get my roommate and see who is in my class. it was more about making loose ties so when we get on campus, i can be like "i remember you from the family day, how are you? how was the rest of your summer?"and there you go! but honestly the girl i am most excited to meet is Roxy, who is from Turkey, who i have been talking to on facebook. we just sort of hit it off on the facebook messaging. so i'm pumped to meet her. ideal situation, i will be her roommate, but we will find that out on monday! ahh! i'm so excited to find out who i'm rooming with! and where my dorm is! i'm pretty sure i'm in a triple or a quad! and i get to register for classes on monday, but that won't be too exciting because i already have all my classes in my cart waiting to check out when i can. i picked all my teachers and my time and my schedule looks pretty nice. everyday i have a class at 9:45 and one at 1:40 and then on tuesdays and thursday i have an extra class at 11:30, then a class at 3:30 on Wednesday - which is some super special Living Social Change class that I got invited into because of all my community service! and Roxy is in that one i believe! so i'm pumped pretty much is what i am saying. all day tomorrow i will just be waiting for Monday morning at 8:30 so i can register and see if my roommates and dorm are up yet! and then after that i will be facebooking away my roommates and getting all excited for college! i need to make a list of things i should get...but now i should go to sleep, i can do that tomorrow! :D