Thursday, July 5, 2012

i'm really tired, i should get up and then go to sleep. i slept for thirteen hours last night.

it would cost me less than $500 for direct flights to and from LA on the weekend of October 5th. i would leave after classes on October 4th and come back on Monday, since we have that day off.

i'm crazy i know. but this is all assuming i could hang out with Lou, Taylor, Lisa, or Jake the whole time. preferably Lou and Taylor. because if I didn't have my Cali friends to hang out with then being by myself would suck. but it would be so amazing to hang out with all of them for a weekend.

i really should stop thinking about that, since i probably won't be able to do it. and by the time i would i will be in college and might not want to. ha. i still will.

this is a strange summer. because usually i know exactly what is coming after the summer, another year in Westhampton. but really this summer is just a countdown to the unknown and to changes. everything will be different. i will be living someplace else with completely different people in a completely different place. it would be hard to change much more. well i could be going to college in California.

why do i like California so much? it's partly that it isn't 90 degrees there, it's a perfect 70-80 range everyday. and mainly it's the people. i think if i hadn't met all those awesome people then California might not seem so awesome. maybe that's my problem. but it's also so pretty there, from the beaches to the mountains. i love, love, the views of the mountains. honestly, i didn't even mind the traffic as much as the rest of my family did. it's just part of life, we can deal with it, we get there when we get there. or maybe it was the complete disconnect i had from back home. i didn't text josh for the first fews day, i never went on facebook, or checked anyones tumblr, i just lived my life. it inspired me to reach for my dreams and goals seeing Taylor out there living his, 20 years old and already living out there on his own for a year and a half. when i'm 20 i'll still be in school. i can't wait to see what life has in store for me. i know i'm going to go places, literally. i just don't think i'll be happy if i live in Westhampton for the rest of my life when there are such amazing places out there.

but i really should go to sleep now. but i just want to go back to california instead. or go someplace amazing. or do something. i want to do something.