Wednesday, July 4, 2012

don't get me wrong, i love josh, i do, but it is hard to remember when you are on the other side of the country. i know once i see him tomorrow everything will be fine. but right now i don't even want to see him. which is bad, i know. but tomorrow i'll see him and i'll feel better and I will forget what I am feeling now.

but i actually miss California. i met all these amazing people. first mom's friend Lisa and her son Jake, who i wish we could have spent more time with. then all the youtubers. i got so many pictures with famous youtubers. meeting the shaytards were amazing, they are so nice and kind and awesome. and all the people we talked to were so nice and awesome. tom milsom was so much funnier in person than i would have thought - i saw his panel and him and the other tom from australia, and they were so funny. so tom milsom is my favorite. and then on top of that taylor mathews and lou, who are both awesome. i can't wait to see them again. i had the thought that i could fly down to LA on a long weekend i have free from college by myself and go hang out with Lou and Taylor and maybe see him perform. of course it might not end up like that, they might not feel like hosting me or whatever. they both said they will miss us but they only spent one day with us so how much can they miss us? lou followed me on twitter and instagram, but taylor did not ): but anyways, yeah.

i do miss California. my life seems disappointing compared to our life in California. i can't wait to start my career and such. i had the thought of being a big shot music company/producer and finding small talent like Taylor and making them huge sensations and all. that would be fun. but who knows what i will end up doing. first i have to make it through this lazy summer, then college, and yeah.

and abby we should do a girls night out or something because is josh is the only person other than my family i see all summer i'm going to go crazy.