Thursday, July 26, 2012

hi. so since i went to warped tour this year just to see We the Kings i think i should talk about We the Kings. and i'm talking about the current We the Kings made up of Travis, Danny, Coley, Hunter, and of course Charles.

i listened the We the Kings way back when they only had one album out, called We the Kings because what else would you call your first album? and they have been on my itunes since then and i listened to them whenever they came on shuffle. but my sisters were never into them, they were just another band i had on my ipod that they didn't.

and i had heard of ctfxc before my sisters as well. i just didn't watch them as often as i watched the shaytards. but when shay went down to visit Charles because of his surgery and all, my sisters and i got into watching Charles and Ali. and it just so happens Charles was the new bass player of We the Kings. so after Charles recovered he was back on tour and showing us footage from all the We the King shows. and can i just mention now that Charles and Ali are amazing. they have so much trust and love each so much. right after they got married, Charles went on tour and Ali only gets to see him when he has a few days off and can come home or when she can get out there to see him. and they have gone through Charles having a brain tumor, which must be the scariest thing for Ali. and they are amazing. i want to have a relationship like them. usually i don't really care for celebrity relationships or whatever, and i'm not sure if Charles and Ali are considered celebs, but i would care and be upset if something happened to their relationship. but i don't think it will.

anyways i was going to talk about We the Kings. so anyways that is why we wanted to go see them play live. to see Charles primarily but by now we were attached to the other members of the band because we see them on the ctfxc vlogs.

Travis is so awesome. he was at his booth so much throughout the day, before and after performing, in addition to the scheduled signing with all the band. he gave everyone hugs and kept telling everyone how much he loves them. and he wrote on Maeve's poster "Love you!" and later when he signed it again "xoxo." and he gave a shoutout to all the fans during his set, saying how all these band would be nothing without us, the fans, who come to watch them and all. he honestly is so nice. and Danny is amazing too. when he went to his signing he said to Maeve "hi, beautiful" and yeah he is awesome too. they are just such genuine people who care about the people who listen to their music. which not every performer does.

it's times like these, 11:04pm on a Thursday night, after listening to the We the Kings for probably close to an hour, and after writing that post, when i wonder if someday i will get this thing published and everyone who i mention will read it and suddenly they know my name. maybe they'll google me to see what i look like. maybe by then a picture of me will come up on google images for my name. does it now? i don't think so. let me check. why yes a picture of me and my stunning horse Dolly is the amazing forth picture that comes up. because apparently i am a discus awards winner, which is a non-monetary national recognition award. which i didn't know until now. you learn something new everyday. but what was i saying? oh yeah. how amazing it would be if Travis or Charles or Danny or Coley or Hunter were reading this right now. or anyone really. someday maybe. and if it does happen then i want to go and meet everyone that i mention in this blog and people i don't mention but still thought about as a teenager. that way i can be like hey look 18 year old Molly, you're cool now because you are friends with cool people. waaait, molly you said you want to go and meet them which usually means talking and maybe a picture and/or signature, not friends. but molly, you never know ;)