Wednesday, February 4, 2009

what did we do when CDs didn't exist?

guess what? i never edited that last post. do i really want to list everything that annoys me anyways? not reallyyyy. so i'll just leave that there and not really worry about it.

well i am working on my time capsule now. wow i can not spell capsule, i had to look it up before and that just took me three times to get it right. i'm make a CD - well two since it won't all fit on one. i am listening to it now just to make it sounds okay though i'm not really paying attention seeing as one CD is one hour and 18 minutes - yes i just looked. and i am also planning on putting pictures on a disc but i have...88 photos that i want to put on it - yes i looked. i hope i can put all of those on one disc since i don't feel like making more than one for just pictures. when i open it i won't be able to see them right away or listen to the music but i will eventually and it will be more personal. of course i am going to put everyone's notes in there because i want everyone to give me notes so i can read all of those. and i think i'm going to put my 2nd place ribbon that I got at an IEA show. that is the best i've gotten.

lunch was interesting. John and Josh sat with us. it was not that good. i don't think they will ever sit with us again. which is probably for the better. so yeah. it was kind of awkward and well i just sort of want it to go back to how it was...1st quarter. except that Abby didn't sit with us then.

i was looking at chats i had with Katelyn in September. i really felt like crying. i have changed so much since then, and it was only 6 months ago. so many things have changed. for the good and bad. maybe i can put alllll of those chats in my time capsule - another CD of course. that is an idea. i wonder if i will even be able to see them or if they will even go on a disc. i can try of course. well i should do that now and burn my other CD just to get them done. (: