Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I almost posted this as a facebook note but went against it and i decided to put it up here. i even typed out the beginning to make it seem like it wasn't just something random i wanted to type even though it is.

um. i just found out that blogger does not let you copy and paste. that makes me angry. i don't really feel like typing it all up again but i might even though i should be getting in the shower.

"List as many things that annoy you as possible. Don't give up. Even those little things count even if you don't make a big deal out of them. Tag as many people as you can think of annoying things. Then they have to post the things that annoy them.

1. When you ask someone to spell their name and they say their name again or they spell it really fast
2. People who act like they are better than you all because you are acting stupid for a second
3. Instead of saying you're welcome they say no problem after complimenting someone
4. Spelling it your welcome instead of the correct way you're welcome
5. When someone says the word headache - it gives me a headache.

well i'm stopping now. i have to get in the shower. i'll edit it afterwards even though i don't like editing posts.