Thursday, March 29, 2012

hi. so some days i feel like doing a lot of work and want to get a lot done. other days i don't. today i don't. i am so tired. i really just want to sleep. but in like a half an hour I will be on my way to the barn. does it annoy you when sometimes I capitalize "I" but other times i don't? i don't really even think about it so sorry if that is annoying. yesterday was the same way. i didn't want to do anything but i wanted to feel like i was being productive. i wasn't at all. i am so tired. i need to get a prom dress. josh told me he needs to know what color he needs to get for his tux stuff because he wants to get that soon. i am really just pushing prom as far away as possible. plus the time never comes up and in the past when i had time, i never really thought about it. i want to go with Maeve but she has a lesson on Friday, then a horse show on Saturday, which leaves Sunday. i could see if Abby wants to go one day. i don't want to bring Josh because i kind of don't want him to see me in it until prom. plus he would be no help, he would say i look good in everything. honestly, i am kind of excited to go dress shopping but since i'm so late i don't know how much of a selection there will be. i'll probably go to the smaller cheaper prom stores first. the store i bought my from last year was pretty expensive. anyways. i just want it to be the weekend. i just have to get through today and then tomorrow. and i'm such a rebel. i'm sitting at the table that says "absolutely no students, no exceptions." oh well. i am used to sitting here so i will continue to. i'm really excited to stage manage. i am nervous that i won't do a good job, or i won't fit in because all the other kids have done lots of drama stuff with each other and Mr. Braidman. but yeah. i will figure it out and try to have fun. i already have my binder. so i can't wait until Monday for that. hopefully by then i'll have a prom dress. and i think this weekend i want to send in my stuff for babson because it is pretty obvious i am going there. was there really every any other choice? when i first started looking at colleges, Babson was the first one i wanted to go to and apart from that one i hadn't figured out where i wanted to visit. it was really on the top of my list before i really even realized it. and not to brag or anything out of the 5,500 applications they received they only admitted about 450, and i was one of those, so i feel kind of special. so yeah i'm going there. i just hope josh ends up close to me. but two hours isn't all that far, it could be farther. but that's whats up. i still have 20 minutes in this study hall and i still don't want to do anything. oh maybe i'll read. i guess that's a good idea. it's kind of loud in here though. i wish people would just shut up. calla.