Monday, March 19, 2012

hi, i would just like to say that i got 17 comments about my sunburn today. i think they were trying to tell me that i was sunburnt in case i didn't know. or maybe they were trying to tell me that my life sucks because i am sunburnt. or maybe they were just trying to tell me that i look like a lobster. i'm not exactly sure what their intent was. but i did know i was sunburnt. and yes it does freaking hurt. and i know that i look like a lobster, but that was my goal all along, looking like a lobster is a real confident booster.

but my life doesn't suck. miss congeniality invited Maeve and I to ride with her in the St. Patrick's day parade. why? because we were going to walk the whole parade and she really is that nice. so we had a fabulous time thanks to her. and it was worth getting burnt. we acted like we were celebrities, people wave and clapped for us. well they were clapping for her most likely or the horses, but hey i'm pretty sure some people waved at me. but what does suck is having to listen to 17 comments directed at you about your sunburn, let's see i got it...before the first comment actually.

also what i find annoying about today is that Josh's siblings had to stay after school so instead of taking a different car and wasting gas or what not, josh said he would hang out until they were done. so he came over to the barn with me. he walked mind you because nicole had the keys to the car. my mom ended up picking him up but he was almost there anyways. so he hung out with me. so after i cleaned dolly's stall i would usually go home but his siblings hadn't called or texted him yet saying they were done and were coming to pick him up. so we cleaned Murray's stall while we waited. still nothing. so we cleaned Max's. at that point i was done with things i could do at the barn while we waited. so we went to the school and guess what? they weren't there. yep. they ditched their brother and went home without him. why? because colin said he would be the fine, or something along those lines. and nicole said he never called. what, was he supposed to call when she was taking her test? she would have yelled at him because her phone went off when she was taking the test. so he waited instead. would it have been that hard to call or text to just check and make sure he was all set? apparently it was. instead they just drove right on past the barn to their house. just typing this out is making me more mad that i was before. their mom said it was just a miscommunication. i'm sorry, but i think this was just carelessness and not caring. i would always make sure my sisters were all set, well maybe since they are all the same age they don't think they have to look after each other. anyways when we realized that josh's ride home was already home, i drove him home. i would have told him to just stay at my house, but it's my dad's birthday and i didn't know what we had planned. so i took an hour out of my day to do something that would have maybe added two minutes onto nicole and colin's drive home. the drive there wasn't bad because i could talk to josh the whole time but the ride home took forever. after you just drove 30 minutes the last thing you want to do is drive another 30 minutes exactly where you just drove. it just frustrates me to no extent the way those triplets treat each other. josh says they aren't close and i can see that. but they are still siblings, they are supposed to stick together. instead colin leaves josh in the middle of lunch because his laptop is dying and leaves josh all alone at a table. he is sitting at a table all by himself. yep, because his brother left him. i understand that colin may want to play his games, but maybe he could check with josh to see if he could find somewhere else to sit because no one wants to sit alone at lunch. or maybe, just maybe, instead of playing video games he could have a conversation with his brother.

i'm sorry. josh is my boyfriend. i hate to think of him sitting at a lunch table by himself. it absolutely tears me up inside. you don't understand. i don't want him to go through anything like that. yet he does. why? because his brother needs to charge his laptop. i'm probably taking this harder than he is. actually i know i am. because josh is amazing like that and he just lets things roll of his back. and it also annoys me that his siblings left without checking to make sure he was all set. what if he couldn't hang out with me and was just sitting outside or something? what if i couldn't give him a ride home? then he would have been stranded. it makes me so mad. i know that josh probably has done things like this before, and i'm not trying to rag on nicole and colin, but in these cases i am slightly frustrated with the choices they made. but everyone makes mistakes.

anyways i really need to calm down because the more i'm talking about this, the more upset i'm getting. i'm not as easy going as josh is. my emotions like to play games with me. today just wasn't a good day. today was one of those days where i was just frustrated with the human race.

on the upside my mom found the aloe. on the downside it's not really helping because my arms still burn. on the downside we didn't have any candles for my dad's birthday cake. on the upside we used a glow stick instead and it was awesome.

and tomorrow we have a delayed start or whatever so that cuts down on the number of people i have to deal with, which is very nice.

now a few deep breaths and try to forget about today and think about how tomorrow will be better.