Saturday, January 11, 2014

holy crap.

like i basically just got asked out.

and i started talking to him because of a stupid hook-up app.

like what is my life right now.

he gives me stupid butterflies.

i never asked for this!

okay let me tell you what's up. i downloaded this app in the middle of the night on...Monday night I think. i have no idea why, i saw someone post about it on twitter or something and i just randomly got it. and then i was addicted to it. basically you have like 5 photos of yourself and a bio and then it shows you all the guys around the area and when their picture pops up you can either like it or reject it. and if the guy likes you too then you can start talking. so when i first started doing this it was just really flattering that so many guys that i liked also liked me. and then you would talk and it was interesting. some guys i talked to more than others. and i did that for a few days. it was literally like a game. i have over 100 matches of guys who liked me back. i haven't talked to all of them, but i have talked to a lot of them. it's pointless and stupid. some jump right to the chase of meeting up or hooking up. but some i actually have a good conversation with and they are interesting.

but then i started talking to this one guy, who in some of his pictures he was at prom with Clare who is Dana's friend and was a camp counselor as well. so actually after i liked his picture i regretted and it and was like oh crap, maybe that is not good if i know Clare. but anyways i forgot about that and then he messaged me a while later. and we sort of hit it off i guess. i told him i knew Clare and all. and somehow he got my phone number (his tinder was lagging...sure) and we basically have texted every chance we have since then. like i don't even know i like talking to him so much. and then we skyped today which wasn't awkward and i love it so much when he smiles. fuck fuck i didn't say that.

anyways now he wants to bring me to get ice cream. like on a date. and i am just thinking how the heck am i going to do that without my family knowing. i mean i could tell them but i don't want to go through how i know him, blah blah. because i don't think they would take it too well if i told them the truth. sooo i think i am going to sneak out to see a guy. but it's not a big deal because if i was at school, i wouldn't have to tell my mom where i'm going. soooo.

and there is the thing that i'm going to go on this date then we are both going to go off to school and that's going to be that. i can't do a long distant relationship again. i mean friends i guess. over the summer i might not even be around and then i'll be in shanghai. i can't have a boyfriend. whoaaaa there molly, you are jumping to boyfriend very quickly. it's just one date. you haven't even met the boy in person yet.

but anyways, he is really nice and sweet. i think. from what i can tell.

ummm hi it's 4:26 am and i'm still awake because i was talking to Dylan the whole time. well he couldn't talk because his parents were sleeping, so he was typing his responses and i was talking. we were on skype for like 4 hours. we have been talking for like 3 days. and we were acting like boyfriend/girlfriend.

whatever, i'm not going to read into it. we both know that it isn't going anywhere because we both can't do long distance, plus he is going to umass and going to meet a bunch of new girls. but he said we could still be friends.  but honestly i could have easily stayed up another 4 hours just talking with him. but now i really need to sleep. messed up sleeping patterns for the win!

but he said he has a crush on me. and i also said i have a crush on him. so it's fun.