Sunday, June 24, 2012

taylor mathews.

June 10, 2011

but someone who i like even more now is Taylor Matthews. he was on America's Got Talent and when he first started talking i was reallllyyy hoping he would do well. he did absolutely amazing. you know after Glee covers a song normally no one else can do it as well. Taylor did. he sang Somewhere Over the Rainbow. it was a wonderful version and he sang it wonderfully and i absolutely loved him. i still love him. i looked him up online and he has a newly created website which you should go see here and ah. he is lovely. he is playing a show tomorrow but it's in Louisiana so I shall not be going to see. but now i have to watch America's Got Talent. and let's add him to the list of people i want to meet one day. there you go. now i have to go scrounge the internet for more information about this Taylor Matthews and watch more America's Got Talent for other talented people worth my attention. alrighty.

Tuesday, August 4th 2010

Taylor Mathews you better love me.

it is 12:07am on what is now Wednesday August 4th. Why the heck am I up this late? Well it just so happens that earlier tonight, when it was still Tuesday, Taylor Mathews performed on America's Got Talent. So I watched the show from 9 to 11. This is the first time that I have ever watched AGT live. It is so long and has so many commercials so it is much more enjoyable when you can watch via tivo. But tonight I didn't. Why? So I could vote for him. AGT makes it so you can only vote 10 times per phone. So I voted 10 times on the landline. Then I voted 10 times on my cellphone. Then I voted 10 times on my dad's cellphone. Then I voted 10 times on my mom's cellphone. Then I voted 10 times on Maura's cellphone. I couldn't find Maeve's cellphone or else I would have voted on hers too. I have the number memorized. 1866604807. once I forgot a 6 and some lady answered. poor lady.
so that would mean i voted 50 times. ah but I didn't mention that you can vote online. so i voted ten times using my email address. then my other email address. then my old email address. then maeve's email address. then maura's address.
that means i have voted a total of 100 times for this kid. why do i care if he moves on? for one big reason: I want to see him perform live. Very badly. I am almost certain that I am going to watch AGT Live and the only way it will be the worth my time is if Taylor Mathews is performing. So he better be. Now I might go use my mom and dad's email addresses and some random ones i can find.
Now it's 110. And I'm watching Harry Shum and other LXD members on a live chat. YES! SO TIRED!

i'm happy.

there is a chance i shall be seeing Taylor Mathews on tour because he is onto the next round.
it was those 110 votes that did it.
i stayed up until 1:30 in the morning. woke up at 5 in the morning, realized my monthly visitor had arrived, had a terrible time falling back asleep, woke up at 8:30 fell back asleep, then 9 something i woke up when on my computer, got ready for Boston, and left the house at 11. rode in the car for two hours with my back absolutely killing me while listening to the movie Happily Never After while my sisters watched it in the back seat. got my haircut, relaxed around my aunt's house, went to the beach, took some pictures, came back, and crossed my fingers as I watched Taylor Mathews move onto the next round.
now what i am going to do? i am going to wait and see who the last person to make it through is, you know to suss out Taylor's competition then go to sleep. oh and i posted on Taylor's fan page that he runs saying how I liked how he tried to like everything on his page and he actually commented back. and then i commented back. not sure if that is worthy of posting the exact quote on here or not. annnnd i'll let you know that after the audition before he performed in Vegas or Hollywood i had a nice little game going where i would ask him questions but it was supposed to go two ways and when i asked him to ask me a question he didn't have one so i just sort of stopped. no need to waste his time. but yeah. i better go watch the rest of AGT. i'll be seeing it live on October 29th at Foxwoods. that is once my mother buys the tickets but she said she would. cannn't wait.

Wednesday, August 5th 2010

thank goodness Taylor Mathews made it though, i was worried for a second ten = tour? i hope so.
 Tuesday August 24, 2010
Almost time to vote for Taylor Mathews.I better get ready.He didn't have the best night so I have to vote to secure that I will see him on tour or else it isn't worth even going.

i only voted for Taylor Mathews 60 times. i feel like that is nothing compared to my 110 last time. but i can't be up til 2 tonight.

if Taylor Mathews doesn't make it i am going to blame those 50 times i didn't vote tonight that i voted last time.

Thursday, September 9th 2010
Dear Taylor Mathews,
How are you doing? What have you been spending your life doing now? Who knows when you will actually read this but I'm treating this as an actual letter to you. I know that you will read this eventually. Years from now but you will read this. Okay? Okay. When I first saw you perform on America's Got Talent it made me smile. It still makes me smile every time I listen to you sing that song. I immediately when to my computer to look you up. I can't remember what I found out then but now I'm a fan of your fan page, I am your friend on facebook, and I subscribed to you on youtube. I have listened to your song "The Chase" a whole bunch on your website. I can not wait for you to release it once you have 10,000 fans on facebook. As I am writing this there are 7,921 who are part of your group. How many are there now? Anyways. The main reason I am writing this is because I feel bad that I didn't vote on Tuesday. I swear those 100 votes or so that I could have given might have sent you over the edge. At the same time if you won then you would become this huge AGT icon and not just Taylor Mathews who I used to send facebook messages with. I wish I never stopped that. Remember when I drilled you with questions like ketchup or mustard? It was supposed to be a give-take sort of thing so I stopped when you never asked any questions. I almost forgot about that myself. You are just amazing though. Or awesome. Do you know what that word really means? It means "creates awe" and awe is a sense of wonder and amazing with a little bit of fear. While you aren't scary you are this person who is able to connect to so many people through music. Isn't that a bit scary? Well not really but I can't think of how to explain it. It's late now. When I finish this letter I am going to sleep. I just saw that you have a blog. It's on wordpress but I am going to find a way so it notifies me every time you post. I just read them and what you talk about boggles my mind. I am too tired now to fully grasp it. I am going to read it all again tomorrow and then comment so maybe when you read this you actually know who I am. Or maybe I'll write another letter and actually send it into the mail to you but then I will probably just sound silly or stupid. I am not some inspirational story. I'm just an average "fan girl". It's not like I can create a story for myself just because it would bring attention to myself. I need to stop rambling. I better be seeing you on tour at Foxwoods. Family time at the casino thank you very much. Now I really need to sleep. But thank you Taylor Mathews and hopefully I actually get to meet you one day. And when I say meet I don't mean a quick "TAYLOR! CAN WE HAVE A PICTURE!" "oh sure" -click- "thank you!" and then we watch you run away with only a picture left. Yeah no. I mean actually talk to you away from millions of other screaming fans. But who knows if that will happen. And if it does I probably won't know what to say. Anyways. Good night.

Wednesday, October 13th 2010
I forgot to mention that I think I might of scared the guys of because I was wearing my wonderful Taylor Mathews tshirt. While it is wonderful it says " do you believe" on the front and on the back "in love?" While I think that is wonderful other people may not think so. But hey if they were afraid to talk to me they could of just walked up to me and said "yes" to which I would of grinned and said " me too" and then I would of had a ton of respect and admiration for that person. But that is just my imagination getting the better of me. Time to go to sleep and dream up some more ridiculous scenarios.

Sunday October 24th 2010
i tried doing some homework. i got through two IDSs. i was aiming for four. then i did nothing for some time between a half an hour and an hour. it wasn't working. then Taylor Mathews posted on his blog and i swear that kid thinks like i do. but whatever he is a famous pop star and i am sitting in my bedroom eating candy.
i can't even concentrate on this blog. i'm all over the place. gah.
maybe i'll work on that video. good idea molly.

Wednesday, October 27th, 2010
tomorrow: school, homework, riding lesson, sleep
Friday: school, staying after to work on the project, AGT show, meeting Taylor Mathews, sleep
Saturday: waking up too early, horse show, homework, sleep.

Sunday, October 30th, 2010
This post is way too long, because this is the day I saw him live and met him (:

Wednesday, February 8th, 2011
But what about hair cuts in general? Like how Taylor Mathew's got a haircut and OH MY GOD, he looks so hot. And I don't use the word hot often. I mean, he looked good before but now he looks REALLY good. REALLY REALLY good. He had long hair like chin length maybe? Let me go check. Yeah he had hair chin length that flopped over his forehead, but not over his eyes. Now it's short on the sides and there is still some on the top but it isn't on his forehead. Goodness, he looks so good. I met and talked to this guy. Ah. It's amazing how hair can do that. Hair is such a big part of what we see what we look at people. Why? I don't know. But I do it too. I do it all the time. Like you just saw. Anyways. This isn't really go anywhere.

Tuesday March 3rd, 2011
I just discovered Taylor Mathew's youtube, correction: he finally posted it on his facebook. I was about to go to sleep. If I watch all those videos that's another 10 to 15 minutes. Oh well, I have something to look forward to tomorrow. Ahahagah. I love Taylor Mathews very much. And he poked me on facebook. I poked him first. And he pokes everyone back, but still he had to look at my name and say "Poke" to me. Fabulous. Love this kid. Ahgah. Going to sleep, maybe I'll dream of him again. I never told you about the other dream I had about him. Ah missed out on that story.

Okay so why recapping all of these posts about Taylor Mathews? Well let me bring your attention to one line I wrote in 2010: "But thank you Taylor Mathews and hopefully I actually get to meet you one day. And when I say meet I don't mean a quick "TAYLOR! CAN WE HAVE A PICTURE!" "oh sure" -click- "thank you!" and then we watch you run away with only a picture left. Yeah no. I mean actually talk to you away from millions of other screaming fans. But who knows if that will happen. And if it does I probably won't know what to say."

I'm going to actually get to meet him and talk to him. I'm going to freaking Disneyland with him. Seriously. Why? Because my mom donated $1,500 to his kickstarter. Yep. We are buying him friendship. XD But no really, I just told my mom that we have to help Taylor make a music video and she decided that she wanted the highest thank you for donating - so we get to go to Disneyland. In exactly a week. It is really just hitting me today. It's amazing. This boy is awesome. And it's even more awesome that I am going to get to meet him. I just know already that he is going to be so nice and it is because of him that we will always remember our first time going to Disneyland in California.

But talking about Taylor makes me miss my amazing boy. I'm like a ticking time bomb when it comes to missing him. Just one thing will set me off and I will be in a horrible mood because I miss him so much. Last night was bad. And then earlier today I texted him even though I know he can't text back. I just really miss him. I just have to focus on vidcon (OH MY GOD, VIDCON!) and Taylor Mathews and then I feel better. So yeah. Soon I will get to text Josh again at least and videochat him! Woo!

But I still can't believe I get to hang out with Taylor for a day!