Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hi (:
I like you way a lot. And you might be wondering why I'm writing you this letter when I can just talk to you. Well I just read an extremely cute letter someone wrote to her future boyfriend. I wanted to write one, but I don't have a future boyfriend. I have one right now and I couldn't be any happier.
It's amazing walking through the hallways and even if you aren't right next to me, just knowing you're somewhere and that you're there. I don't know how to really describe it. Just knowing you're there I guess.
It was almost a year ago when we started texting each other. I remember that day Maeve, my mom, and I all went shopping in Northampton, and then to the mall. I was sort of dragged along, but I was so happy because I was talking to you. And even happier because we were having an actual conversation that was amazing. Since then I haven't been able to stop talking to you. About anything, everything, and even nothing.
I'm often afraid about what's going to happen once September rolls along. Or if we're even going to get there, but I can't think of why we wouldn't. And I think about what other people think when they see us together and what they think about us. But it doesn't really matter does it? The here and now is what matters. Here and now I care about you a lot and I think you do about me too.
I don't know why though. Is that bad that I still have trouble grasping the idea that someone like you would like someone like me? I still wonder how we got here, from never talking to each other, to never stopping talking to each other, to kissing each other every time we part ways. You never seem to agree with me on that. You think it's the most natural thing that we ended up together now. And maybe it is. But I don't know. Does it seem like we could just be together because of Abby and Colin? I like to think that isn't true, but would I have even started talking to you if Abby and Colin weren't dating? Probably not. But it's not like we got together soon after they did. It took us long enough didn't it? I often feel like we have to live up to them. That people compare us to them, or maybe I just do. I've always thought of Abby as being as perfect as a person can get. In 7th grade she was the bees knees and she still is. I'm just me though and I don't know how come you like me so much. Maybe this is the whole you can't love someone until you love yourself thing. I don't know. We're just teenagers. I still think love is too big of a word. But I would love to say those three words to you one day and really really really mean it.
Now I feel like a silly sappy corny romantic girl. I'm not sure what else to say, in fear that I'll say more silly things. I should be doing something more productive now, like essays and projects, and whatever else. It's so dark out right now and it's only 4:50. Which is random but it feels so much later. I still have so much time to do things that I don't want to do. I'm sorry, I'm ruining your letter.
But I do like you a lot. You make me very happy. I hope I make you happy too.
Now I guess I'm done.
Molly (: