Saturday, November 21, 2009
the song that just came on shuffle was "keep holding on" by the glee cast.
Posted by molly. at 10:25 AM 0 comments
so last night wasn't that great. but for the rest of my existence that is spent with the people that i spent it will i will be constantly reminded that it was amazing and they had a great time. yeah it sort of sucked. the movie? was amazing. being ditched by steph and katelyn twice? not so great. having to go and get them because everyone started to go in without us so we ended up at the END of the line? not so great. having to listen to Stephanie talk during the movie and after the movie all the way on the car ride home? not so great. having to deal with katelyn so told me to "shut up"? not so great. be frustrated at the only friends i have? not so great. feeling like an outsider with my own friends and my own mother and sister? not so great. wanting to fall asleep on the bus ride home and for the rest of the day? not so great. feeling awful the day after? not so great. knowing that i have a bunch of homework to do today? not so great. knowing that i will probably get my period while we are away on vacation to a beach? not so great. becca? not so great. not knowing what to say to becca if she finally gets the gets the gut to ask me in person why i hate her? not so great. feeling sick right now? not so great. having to pack? not so great. my life right now? wonderful.
Posted by molly. at 10:06 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
i need to express this feeling of dislike that was just brought about from this message on facebook:
Posted by molly. at 6:02 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
i should be at my twin's concert right now but i'm not because my sister is sick. i'm stuck at home. but at least i was able to get some writing done. :/
Posted by molly. at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
wooo! celebrate!
today i reached two milestones in my novel. i completed more than 60% and i'm now over 100 pages. so i went onto wordle, copy and pasted my novel and this is what i got. the bigger the word that means it shows up more. the size depends on the percentages of times it shows up and such. got it? it randomly gave me it to me in this font/size/color/shape and such. love it.

Posted by molly. at 8:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 16, 2009
here is my horoscope thing for December/January according to the magazine Girl's Life.
Posted by molly. at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
so tomorrow i don't have school. today was fine. the one period that sort of stands out in my mind english. for several reasons. first cause Sawyer sat behind Vicky, next to me, diagonal from Katelyn, in front of Casey, diagonal from Devin. got the picture? probably not but it wasn't his usual seat. i think it was because he wanted to sit next to Vicky so he could work with her which he did. it was fine. i got to talk to him more which was a bit awkward but that is expected because duhhh i'm a social failure and such. but i'm trying to be nonchalant -vocab word!- about everything. but i need something to think and worry about because if not then what else am i suppose to think about? i haven't been stressing over horse shows lately and the next one isn't until December anyways but that one will be stressful because i need to get a certain place or higher to qualify for the next round. but i'm sort of whatever about that too.
Posted by molly. at 3:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
today is one of those days that make me happy.
i just got back from seeing a play. it made me happy. it was one of those plays where everything worked out and made you happy. i love corny/clique/typical stuff like that. Hannah Montana movie? ummm I enjoyed it.
Posted by molly. at 9:47 PM 0 comments