Thursday, April 9, 2009

Romeo and Juliet...Not.

This is a tale based on a true story. Everything is my own and no one else's so don't steal or anything bad like that...(:

Romeo and Juliet...Not

My mouth moved into a tight line as I ran into yet another person in the hallway. Can't they see that there is someone trying to get by them? Um. I think not since all they think about is themselves and getting to lunch on time. They didn't think about the people who were trying to get to Health class on time alive.

This week had been a hard one. I still wasn't caught up on sleep from the horse show I had the weekend before and the disappointment that came after it. Luckily I have the most amazing friends who help me through it even if they don't understand horses. I was about to see the very best one next period. The one I called my Twin. Annabelle. Health class was an amazing class to begin with since I used the stuff I learned in there everyday - like that pensive friend of my mother and asking people if they want advice. Practical everyday things! Who could not like Health class?

As I stepped into the room I automatically smiled seeing Annabelle waving at my new seats. We had changed yesterday and I had been looking at this horse with my riding instructor - crazy crazy week. As I sat down I looked to see where everyone else was sitting. Quiet Rachel in front of me, no one behind me, Annoying Hillary over behind Annabelle, Darling Deanna over there, and the bunch of kids that our group did not socialize. I spotted Jacob a row over from Annabelle.

I'm going to take this time to describe Jacob a little bit because his personality will take up a whole paragraph. He is an extremely smart guy and both his parents are teachers. He is sort of like the typical class geek I guess but not really. He is an actor and thinks he knows how to sing but I don't think he does. Starting to get a picture of him? He enjoys annoying Annabelle for no apparent reason. He sort of hangs out with our group probably because he has no one else to talk to. Well he had a bunch of people that will talk to him but none of them are really his friends except for maybe two or three.

My eyes were drawn to the door as I saw Stacey walk into the room. Another one of my wonderful friends. She had study hall this period but I knew for a fact she enjoyed our Health class much  more than study hall. I mean, who wouldn't want two periods of Health right in a row?

Stacey barely had a chance to sit herself down behind me before Jacob was next to her asking her if she was ready for the science class that the three of us had next period. I made a mental note to myself before slipping away to work on my project with my group.


I glanced up at the clock and I hadn't even figured out what time it was when the bell rang for lunch. Health class had middle lunch which meant we had half of Health class then lunch then the rest of class. I waited for Stacey and Annabelle, along with Mary, before heading out the door. I was going around the corner of the door to head down the hall when I was almost run over my Jacob trying to pass in between me and the door where he got cut off. Instead he just waited until I was out of the door then walked after and pretty much went in front of Annabelle, Mary, and I and walked next to Stacey. I watched them as the two of them walked faster than us and were shoulder and shoulder down the hall. I glanced over at Annabelle before I started coughing.

I grinned and coughed some more on purpose. I kept doing my obvious coughing until Annabelle looked over at me and I waved my lunch money at the two of them in front of me. She grinned back and started to cough as well. I coughed some. Well, I wasn't alone with my thoughts about them.