Wednesday, April 1, 2009

happy april fool's day. or fools' day. or april's fools. or whatever.

i told abby that you can learn more about me by reading my blog than actually being around me. that shows you how much i express how i am feeling during the day. guess how many people other than me read this? one. wow. i gave one other person the link when i first started, she has probably lost the link and forgotten all about it. i had it on my AIM profile for a while so unless someone took it from there and kept it and has been reading all of these without me knowing. creeper.

so guess what i did today? made a complete fool of myself. YAYYYYYYY! how you may ask? history. stupid history. normally i love that class. I like Mr. Touchette, the work isn't that hard, Stephanie and Abby are in it along with JonJay and Josh which makes it entertaining not to mention we all sit next to each other, and i like the atmosphere of the class most of the time.

except for the past couple of days. ew.

we had to do this skit in a group. we didn't get to pick our group. i got stuck in probably the worse possible group. I'm not going to say names cause really names don't matter it is their personality that matters. One girl didn't want to be with us at all, you could tell she pretty much hated us, i'm not friends with her and i don't want to be friends with her at all before and after this. so she was no help. i'll name Josh's name. he was fine. the only one that actually contributed something other than some poorly made signs. the poorly made signs go the next guy. idiot. he didn't do anything either except for being stupid, getting off topic, and just generally not doing anything productive. he was set on having handcuffs that we made him not use in the end. the last would be a 10th grader. i'm in 9th grade. yep, he failed last year. that says something right there. he kept getting distracted, talking about other things. he didn't do crap either. then you have me. i had just received a 100 on the last test. the highest in the grade. and i didn't just get it. Mr. Touchette announced it in front of the whole class. they must have all been loving me getting my 100 while they were looking at their 52.

anyways. the days we were suppose to work on it were completely unsuccessful. i did most of the script at home. we read it through once. we didn't even act it out. time! we bombed it. it was suppose to be 5 minutes, i doubt it was even 3 minutes. then the two idiots left the stage when they weren't suppose to. bye bye! the only the okay part was Mr. T had us write what we contributed to the group on a piece of paper. i wonder what they put on. actually i can tell you. the girl: "conclusion and introduction after Molly pushed me to do it and it took me almost one class period to just write the conclusion!" the guy: "i made some signs that looked awful. i also made some handcuffs which were a waste of paper and staples. i also wasted staples by stapling them into the air." the 10th grader: "nothing. except for talk about things off topic and yell at Cody." hopefully Josh thought of something good to put down since i can't think of anything, probably since i am on the topic of horribleness.

so yeah. i'm screwed. but i want them to get the grade they deserve.

i can't do everything can i?

i won't be in school on Monday. it will be the first day of school that i will miss. i have a horse show. i am extremely nervous. i have to get in the top four to go onto nationals. nationals is in Ohio this year. fun. i was suppose to have to go to regionals first but with the amount of people that qualified in my division we just went straight to zones. maeve has to go through regionals first. then zones where i am. i hope she makes it to zones just because i am already in zones. not that it is competition between us because it isn't. at all. but of course i can't help comparing myself to her and i normally fall short. -shrug-

last year i did the same thing as this year, just flat. i didn't make it to regionals. this is maeve's first year. she is doing jumping and flat. she made it to regionals. hmm...we have been riding the same amount of years which is hard as well since you would think that i am older that i would be better but nope, we are suppose to be the same since we started at the same time. she would probably be better than me except for the fact that i am bigger so i can handle bigger horse. yep.

i will probably miss school Wednesday morning and if not Wednesday then Friday. it's so my trainer can come and look at this horse we are thinking about buying. did i say we? i meant I. cause i am paying for this horse. going to wipe out my whole bank account and then some. that is if we buy this horse. hopefully we do. not going to go into all of that.

i'm going to end with a wish. i wish there was someone i could talk horses with other than Maeve and my mom. i have no friends that ride horses. fun.

oh and yeah. today is the first of April. i hate this day. luckily nothing has happened to me. except for last night there was no toilet paper left...