Saturday, December 25, 2010

final christmas thoughts.

what is this the third time i've posted today? and it's christmas? i thought i wasn't going to post at all today. i was wrong there.

but today was a fabulous day. i had fun with all my new toys. and my gramma and grampa came over and we played Taboo and it was hilarious. i am so glad i mentioned that we played that game in Spanish and i wanted to play it in English. it was wonderful. the only thing that annoyed me all day was that Maura had to describe the word "blog" for people to guess. and she said "molly has one of these but she only let's one person see it" and i was like "SHUT YO MOUTH" but i didn't actually say that out loud. i was annoyed though because only Maeve and Maura knew that and they were supposed to stay quiet. but now my parents know. and i know my mother won't forget. my dad may though. but i didn't want them to know i had a blog. well they got me lights for my fingers for "night blogging" so maybe they already knew. but still. maura shouldn't have said that. even though i know we were in the middle of a game. but that was the only thing that i didn't like about today and that is pretty small seeing how some people have horrible christmases.

i'm just so lucky. i am lucky that i have the parents and family that i have. that is really what it comes down to. it is because of my mom and dad and family that i had such a wonderful christmas.

and questions that i would try to answer but i don't want to type anymore: why are we supposed to have a white Christmas? and Santa? (okay that last one wasn't really a question but i'm done with this).