Friday, December 10, 2010

day eight.

challenge one - day eight - worse job ever
you're kidding me right?

challenge two - day eight - are you a fitness guru or a couch potato? Talk about your exercise habits.
Coach potato. But I'm fit when it comes to riding horses and mucking out stalls.

So sorry those were so short. I would rather talk about improvisketchologues.

Best parts:
1. finding out josh was going to be there.
2. when i started singing "Living on a Prayer" to Maeve when it came on between acts and everyone else started singing along.
3. when Maura asked Lucas Fitzpatrick for his autograph.
4. seeing everyone on the stage and knowing that together they worked hard to put on this show for me. well not specifically me, but you know.

Worse parts:
1. Not saying anything to Josh because I'm a chicken.
2. When someone stood awkwardly on the stage because they forgot their lines, not because it bothered me, but because i felt for them and i felt bad and really wanted them to remember quickly.

So yeah. Improvers are great. Like always. But I am pretty sure they went to the North Pole last year.
The skits are wonderful. The first one with Ryan freaked Maeve out and she was like "i see that guy when i go to study hall! i am going to have to walk faster past them.
The improvers were great, that was the third time I had heard them sing "Club Can't Handle Me." There was one moment when they were singing WakaWaka and Sam looked at Lucas and he just smiled at him. It's like they have a sort of special feeling or moment that you can only get after you have practiced for hours and share it with people, and knowing everything that it took to get there and just being able to share that with everyone and they want to hear you. It's a wonderful feeling. I wish I could have that. I remember it from 7th grade chorus and from dancing but that was a while ago and I don't think that I ever fully have had it.

I think that is all I have to say. Oh let me mention this here first. I'm going to tell Abby text time I talk to her, either online or in person.
Okay so I was you know browsing on facebook and it came up "Bella is attending SUPER POINTLESS COMPETITIVE EPIC SLEDDING." so i went to look at it. So pretty much two sophomores are hosting this event. Over vacation they are having a sledding competition. But you can't actually use any sleds. There are teams of a maximum of four and each team has to come up with a way to get down the hill of snow. You can use any ways but you can't actually snowboard, ski, or sled down. You could attack skis to the bottom of a chair though and use that. And each team has to bring in one dollar and then the winning team (it says most creative/fastest/original but i'm not sure if they are just picking one team that has all of this, or one for each category) gets all the money.
Doesn't that sound awesome? So instantly I start thinking. Obviously the team would be Abby, Colin, Josh, and me but I guess it could be different. We could get Jayna or Mollie or some other people. But who is involved in this? There are five teams currently and out of them the only person who i am friends with is Bella. But people like Nick, Ryan, and Mike and doing it and they are friends with Abby, Colin, and Josh. So. Who knows if this is a good idea or a horrible one. But you know we could get together and build our sleds and Abby and I could make everyone where matching hats or something. We could have a team name and our sled could have a name and we could just have fun. Again, I don't know if this is a good idea or a horrible idea. Plus I don't know if we are going to New York when the actual event is happening.

I think I need to go to sleep though.
Alright. Good night.