Thursday, December 30, 2010

day twentyeight.

challenge one - day twentyeight - career goals
okay so really i want to go to college. and i want to have a successful career. i am going to be a successful businesswoman. i am going to travel the world. pretty much that's it.

challenge two - day twentyeight - your first celebrity crush
oh. i have no idea. i've never really been into celebrities. i guess Charlie McDonnell is the first one that has sort of been all my own. like no one told me about him and was like "I LOVE HIM YOU SHOULD LOVE HIM TOO." but that is so recent. but i can't really think of any others. you know the Jonas Brothers but that was only because Katelyn liked them. so yeah. i don't know. but good question.

so hey. did you notice that yesterday was day twenty seven and i like the number twenty seven because that is the day i was born on. yep. twentyseven. anyways i just wanted to point that out.

and the reason why i am writing this blog right now is because i don't want to do history homework. i'm a lazy bum. but hey it's cool. it's vacation.

i don't have any more text messages to share with you but i'm not worried. i may later. it is still early for teenagers to be awake. but my phone hasn't left my side yet today.

but apart from the whole Josh thing, i love Nicole. much more than i thought i would. she is just so sweet and great and wonderful. seriously. why the heck haven't i been friends with her since 8th grade? OH RIGHT cause i'm a loser and too shy to talk to people. but she probably made my night with the whole "OMG I'M SITTING NEXT TO MOLLY!" it makes me smile thinking about it. she is just a wonderful person. maybe i'll text her a bit later. who knows. i don't really have anything to say to her.

ummm. hmmm. now what do i say? oh i can talk about how wonderful abby is. seriously. i love her so much. i hope she knows that. and the more i make fun of her that means the closer we are. cause i can't poke fun at everyone. people wouldn't get my humor or whatever...i guess they wouldn't get me? i don't know how i got so lucky to have abby as a friend. i have no idea why she even wants to keep being my friend. i don't know how we got to being friends in the first place. but i am so so so grateful. i should have given her a hug last night when we dropped her off. but really. she's lovely.

humdadohuma.humdadohuma. say that fast over and over in a sing song voice. it sounds cool.

anyways now this is where i am supposed to post this post to my blog but then that would mean i have to do back to doing homework. but i don't want to. oh listen to the quote of the day:

"I believe that if one always looked at the skies, one would end up with wings." – Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880)

what do you think of that? lalalalalalala. i'm bored. the rest of my vacation is going to not be very good compared to yesterday, since i'm not doing anything else. oh right. i am though. i am going over Katelyn's tomorrow at 4 and sleeping over. and then saturday i'm not doing anything. and then sunday i have a 4H party from like two to six or seven. THEN SCHOOL. ah. i need to do homework. jeez school. i wonder how that will change things between me and josh and nicole. well i never see Nicole, literally, so probably nothing. but then i do see josh. maybe if he texts me i'll tell him that he has to say hi to me every time he sees me in the hall. but maybe not i don't know. i am not going to worry or build anything up.

if i have no expectations then i can't be disappointed, right?