Monday, November 1, 2010

what went wrong?

sub in our chemistry class what went wrong in your life? I think you said your name was Mr. Anthony. but what went wrong? you graduated from HRHS in 2006 and had Mr. Cole as a chemistry teacher during those four years. then in 2010 you are subbing for your old chemistry teacher at the same school. so I am guessing you went to college for four years then you came back. you had an 106 in Mr. Cole's chemistry class. most people in his class are failing. so either he changed his class drastically or you were really smart. did you want to become a substitute teacher who gets paid to read Harry Potter while high schools take a test and tell them to quiet down? i wonder what went wrong. or maybe you wanted to do that. who knows.

and i'm doing NaNoWriMo. yes in the month of November I am going to write a 50,000 novel, do all my homework, take an AP class, have two riding lessons a week, participate in horse shows, and do whatever else i want to do. and people say their junior year is hard. i laugh at them.

i'm on track so far. i'm writing about Abby's life. but not really. i'm basing it off her right now but then everything is going to go wrong and then right and then horrible. but you know that is how life goes. at least for people in NaNo stories.

and all night skate is back on. did i ever tell you it was off? well it was but now it's back on. and our VP isn't allowed to go. but i am not going to get into all of that. i'm just glad that i can go now that i know i can stay up until 2 in the morning and then wake up at 5 and function for the rest of the day. wooooo!

i am thinking about going to bed soon. but look at me. i managed to do all my homework (granted i should of done more AP history work), write 1,676 words of a story, go to an academic society meeting, watch all my subscriptions on youtube, eat dinner, have some ice cream, and write a blog. i'm just amazing. or i just don't have a life. either or.