Wednesday, November 10, 2010

before the all night skate i just wanted to tell you this story.

so i watch this girl on youtube vlog and her name is Cassandra and her channel is nerdzRL and anyways. the radio station she was listening to asked people to call and talk to them about the weirdest place that they met their boy/girlfriend.

so Cassandra called. and i had known that she had this boyfriend because he was in her vlogs and i knew the place but i didn't know the whole story so here it is.

Cassandra goes to EB Games and she is either buying a game for applying for a job (I couldn't make out what she said). And there was a cute boy returning a game. And she overheard him saying his phone number. She was trying not to hear it but she got it and she texted this number. She overheard a random cute guy's number and she texted it. And they started dating. This is a true story.

Oh my goodness. so awesome/cool/weird/creepy/but totally awesome.

And now i have to decide if i want to try to sleep or get some makeup on or figure out what i want to bring or do nothing. why do i have to do all this? ALL NIGHT SKATE TONIGHT. SO PUMPED. WOOOO!

edit: quote of the day "Admiration, n.: Our polite recognition of another's resemblance to ourselves." – Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)