Sunday, November 21, 2010

Joey Lapierre.

I just need to document this in case this thing does become big or something. Because this blog has become proof of my existence.

And this is post number 590.

MESSAGE FROM STEPHANIE TOBIN sent November 19 at 9:55pm
Stephanie Tobin November 19 at 9:55pm Reply • Report
Joey Lapierre November 19 at 3:41pm Reply • Report
My story

Hi my name is Joey LaPierre many of you may not know who I am but I’m new to HRHS. I came from Springfield. I’m writing this because I didn’t have the courage to get up and talk in front of everyone. So here is my story… I went to Springfield Central High School. My family moved to Southampton over the summer. When I fond out that we where moving I was happy, I was thinking a new school, new friends and make a new start for my life. At my old school I wasn’t the best student, I would be in and out of trouble. Never really had good grades. So I said to myself that I wouldn’t do that, im at a new school I’m going to do good. So when I get to HRHS I thought I was going to fit right in with everyone, well I was wrong… the first month I didn’t talk to anyone really, no one really tried talking to me. No one has really tried to really get to know me except for one person. The one person is Olivia Griswold. Olivia was the only one who really tried to get to know me and I thank her for that. At central I never really fit in either there was one or two people that I could really talk to so I thought maybe it was me. Maybe its my fault that no one is talking to me and maybe it really is, I don’t know. I tried talking to a few people but it didn’t work out like I wanted it to. Maybe I didn’t try hard enough? Or maybe I tried to hard? I don’t know… And that’s my story…
I wrote “my story” because I want people to know my story. I don’t want people to start talking to me just because they feel sorry for me. I want people to get to know me because they want to.

Kristi Esposito November 19 at 10:11pm Reply • Report

Sent via Facebook Mobile

Kimberly Russell November 19 at 10:12pm Reply • Report

Stephanie Tobin November 19 at 10:14pm Reply • Report
if you guys want to he wants people to send it to their friends

Avarie Lynn Hanlon November 19 at 10:27pm Reply • Report
♥ (:

Abby Lynn November 20 at 9:27am Reply • Report
can do. and i feel horrid asking this, but what grade is this kid in? i am going to feel like such a jerk if he is in our grade.

Kimberly Russell November 20 at 9:39am Reply • Report
Joey? Yes our grade
Sent via Facebook Mobile

Abby Lynn November 20 at 9:46am Reply • Report
grrr. i know. i friend requested him. i feel bad now.

Kimberly Russell November 20 at 9:46am Reply • Report
Awee :Ö
Sent via Facebook Mobile

Rebecca Sieracki November 20 at 11:49am Reply • Report
I was always afriad to talk to him, because he didn't really seem like he wanted to talk to anyone... but I guess he's just shy.

Stephanie Tobin November 21 at 2:31pm Reply • Report
yea i guess so


Between You and Joey Lapierre

Joey Lapierre November 20 at 9:44pm Report
hey whos this?

Molly Ronan November 20 at 9:55pm
Hi. I'm Molly. I'm one of those people who received your story via message on facebook. So I figured that I would show my support by sending a friend request. How many of those have you gotten today?

But anyways I'm in your grade at school, but I don't have any classes with you. I hope you don't find it creepy that I added you as friend even though I never talked to you before, but that assembly on Friday made a huge difference. You haven't been at HRHS that long but I've been in this school district ever since I was in preschool and things like that don't happen here, ever. And I wanted to get to know you, because even though I have been here since forever I can relate to your story. There were times when I cried myself to sleep because I didn't have any friends and I didn't "fit in." I still feel like that sometimes but now I have friends I know I can count on.

So, hi. I'm Molly. Nice to meet you, Joey. I hope Monday you find that you enjoy HRHS a little bit more.

Joey Lapierre November 20 at 9:58pm Report
hey molly i've gotin 3 friend requests today and thank you for reading it and its nice to meet you as well

Molly Ronan November 20 at 10:07pm
I have to ask, what were you thinking when you sent that message out? What were you expecting to happen? What did you want to happen? Don't feel like you have to answer. I'm just curious because I don't have enough courage to post my own story, and I have nothing to lose by asking.

Joey Lapierre November 20 at 10:10pm Report
honestly im not sure wat i wanted to get out of it i think i just wanted people to know my story and maybe make a few good friends

Molly Ronan November 20 at 10:19pm

Joey Lapierre November 20 at 10:20pm Report
so what are you up to?

Molly Ronan November 21 at 10:27am
Well last night I was watching youtube videos but then I went to sleep. I had to get up at 8 yesterday so I was exhausted. Now I am about to start doing homework then I have an awards banquet to go to.

What about you?

Joey Lapierre November 21 at 10:28am Report
nothing really just bored

Molly Ronan November 21 at 10:55am
How did you like the pep rally on Friday? You were doing tech, right?

Joey Lapierre November 21 at 11:50am Report
yea i was and i liked it
how did u like it

Molly Ronan November 21 at 7:08pm
I thought it was pretty good. The minute-to-win-it games were better than some past years. And the live music was pretty cool. I was just so exhausted from the assembly earlier but yeah overall I liked it too.

Joey Lapierre November 21 at 7:14pm Report
yeah :) i hope the music sounded good lol

Molly Ronan November 21 at 8:04pm
Haha, yeah it did. How do you like music tech? It sounds like a cool class to take.

Joey Lapierre November 21 at 8:05pm Report
i love it hey do u wanna text me?

Molly Ronan November 21 at 8:12pm
It sounds like a class I might want to take because I love music but I'm horrible at sing and can only play the piano a little bit. How about when I talk to you in person I'll give you my number?

Joey Lapierre November 21 at 8:15pm Report
thats why i like it so much cuz i dont have to know how to play anything i can just set up mics and get levels wile the others play and i record it and ok that sounds good

Molly Ronan November 21 at 8:24pm
Yeah! I want to go into business after high school and college and I wouldn't mind doing some of the behind the scene stuff in the music world. Do you want to do something relating to music once you get into the real world? Because high school is all fake you know.

Joey Lapierre November 21 at 8:26pm Report
idk wat i wanna do yet

Molly Ronan November 21 at 8:45pm
You still have plenty of time. Anyways...yeah.

Joey Lapierre November 21 at 8:48pm Report
yeah soo how are you

but basically i told her that i was sending him messages and she asked if i liked him as a person. and i said how the conversation was kind of awkward because he just responds with the bare minimum and she agreed. and i said that i was trying hard not to judge him because normally i wouldn't talk to "people like him" and how it is weird that he doesn't try harder to keep a conversation going if he sent out that message in the first place.

And that is pretty much it. I have to figure out what I am going to say next to him and then I think I am going to sleep. School tomorrow.

Random fact: I have 7002 emails in my inbox

edit: I just wanted to add the last two messages because I don't know how else to reply so I think this will be the end, unless he decided to message me again or we actually talk to each other at school - but I doubt that will happen because until I got that message I didn't even know he went to our school. I saw him at the pep rally doing tech stuff but that was the first time and I had no idea he was in our class. But here you go:

Molly Ronan November 21 at 8:54pm
I'm good, happy actually. What about you?

Joey Lapierre November 21 at 8:56pm Report
im pretty good

And second thing, the quote of the day: "A true friend is one soul in two bodies." – Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC)