Saturday, October 16, 2010

three things to mention.

let me see if i can remember all of them. i knew i should of written them down.


Seventeen are you trying to say something? I took a quiz titled "Are you addicted to Drama?" so i have to read the statements and if it is true to my life i have to check it. because i find that some of these statements are so relevant to my life i feel as though i need to include them and a little response afterwards...
"It takes you a while to warm up to new guys - you feel most comfortable around the dudes you've known forever." Yep. And there are no guys I've known for forever so I guess just the first part.
"If something is meant to be with a guy, it will happen - you shouldn't have to work too hard." My mentality. Or at least the mentality I tried to tell myself.
"If your crush found out how often you check his Facebook profile, you'd be beyond embarrassed." Ha. For a while if you typed in "A" into my search bar on facebook Adam would be the first one who came up and the same with "D" and Danny. Actually let me check if that is true. You should be proud of me. For "A" Abby Lynn if the first one and Adam doesn't even appear and for "D" Dana is first and then Danny. Anyways. Yeah that does apply.
"You don't mind listening to your friends' gossip but you rarely tell your own stories - you like to keep your stuff private!" This one doesn't really apply because I don't have any stories to tell.
"Those guys at parties who seem like they're trying to show off on the dance floor or hit on every girl in the room seem totally fake to you." Preach!
So all of those statements were in the color pink so..."(mostly pink) you need MORE drama! You like to keep your relationships under the radar, but sometimes your laid-back attitude about dating keeps you from taking any chances. Next time you go out, text your crush or say hi to a new guy. It's scary to take yourself off the sidelines and play the game-but it's way more fun."

Now if this wasn't enough Seventeen had to say this in my horoscope: "Okay, so sometimes your shyness can get in the way of chatting up guys. Bu things will be different this month! When Venus and Pluto join up on the 1st, you'll take the initiative and post a cute comment on your crush's Facebook. Game on, Cancer!"

alright Seventeen. I think I get what you're trying to say. grumble, grumble. who knows if i will change my ways though. i don't really care. that was a lie.

that was number one.

number two. i really like watching youtube videos. i wish i could meet these people. like Cassandra in her nerdzrl blog. and Dan from Dan3.0 and Sam and Kurt and their music videos. watching them do D.J.'s Got Us Falling In Love Again made me smile a lot. so that's my random note. which leads me to the third thing.

i think i could be awesome in the music industry. not singing or playing instruments, even though i would like to be a singer/drummer. i think i would be good with the business and behind the scene stuff. i could be a producer or some organizer or i don't know. just do coolio stuff.

and i think that is all i have to say. kind of boring i guess. that's because i have no drama in my life. apparently Seventeen magazine thinks i need more.