Thursday, October 14, 2010

life goals and current accomplishments.

Life Goal: Meet Charlie McDonnell. (requires talking to him and making an impression so he can say "I just met Molly Ronan" and then he can remember me and be like "Oh yeah, I know Molly Ronan" and then find that he enjoys being in my presence so much that he says "Hey Molly Ronan, want to come hang out with me and my wonderful friends, Alex Day, Tom Milsom, Edd Plant, and any other amazing people that we are hanging out with?" to which i would reply "Yes please and thank you.")
More Realistic Life Goal: See Charlie McDonnell With My Eyes (doesn't require actually talking to him. just seeing him from a distance so i can say that i saw Charlie. could include going to a concert or some sort of youtube meeting or whatever he does in the future)

Current Accomplishments: I am listening to the Sons of Admirals, which includes the people mentioned above, sing the theme song of Arthur in an amazing way. I so much love this wonderful band. And I love Tom's blue hair and pink hat and Charlie shirt and glasses. And I love Edd's voice and song, You Are Not There, which I am actually listening to now because the Arthur song ended. And I love Alex's wonderful presence and tambourine and whistling skills. And I love Charlie's skills on the egg shaker.
Another Accomplishment: I did seven IDSs today. Before that I was way behind on them but now I am closer to being on track. So I am happy that the only homework i had to do was that and study for vocab quiz which will be a future accomplishment. so i am doing good and i might be able to go out on Saturday eveningish instead of doing homework. and i will be horse showing on Sunday so i won't be doing much homework then. so another day like this tomorrow most likely.
Another Thing I Want to Mention: I love Tom's green ukulele that he is playing and i love his rendition of Radiohead's Creep.
Accomplishment: I avoided having to tell Katelyn about doing to Danny's party that she wasn't invited to because she thought I just sent him a gift for his birthday. Ha. She was talking about what he wrote on my wall about driving stuff and it was obvious she brought it up because she was jealous and then she was like "and that gift you sent him for his birthday" and i was just like "yeah" and changed the subject. so i have never actually lied to her, i just haven't told her the truth. so there you go. now the only time this might be a problem again is if Danny, Katelyn, and I are at the same event and he brings up the party, or I do by mistake, and Katelyn's like what party? and i will be like "I thought I told you about that" or "yeah i went to his birthday party" and she would be like "noooo" or "why didn't you tell me?" and get all angry and i'll be like whatever be angry. but she will still be my friend because if she isn't she would have no one in Spanish, Chemistry, English, or History. but neither would I. that sort of frustrates me. if Katelyn wasn't in all those classes i would be forced to make some new friends but instead i just talk to her and that's it. but the two classes i don't have with her i don't have any friends in and i'm not making any new ones so whatever.
Accomplishment: Today was a good day. My spanish presentation went well and I didn't do anything stupid or anything that could possibly prove to be stupid in the future. At least I don't think so.
Accomplishment: I'm about to go eat dinner.