Monday, September 20, 2010

oh hi.

i'm really tired. i should be sleeping but i don't want to go upstairs. because that means that i have to go to sleep. and then that means i will have wake up in the morning. and then go to school. school isn't that bad but i just don't want to go.

i want to have something interesting to write about. my life is boring. i want it to be interesting.

you know back when i had all the cute boys to think about? yeah one has a girlfriend and the other one never talks to me. so whatever. i don't have any new friends to talk to. i am extremely grateful for the friends i do have. i don't have any interesting classes to think about except for how i'm terrified my pot is going to explode in chemistry class. and that isn't even excited.

i don't have anything good going on in my life. well not exactly but still. i need something exciting. something to put my energy in to make me excited to wake up in the morning. any suggestions about what this could be? seriously. i want to know. i want something or else these days are just going to drag by. these are supposed to be the best days of my life, right? or do they just say that about every time in my life? i don't know.

it's just boring. i guess boring is good. but i want something better than boring. better than boring does not include scary or nervous or sad or horrible. it does include wonderful and happy and excited and woohoooahahahhh:D. i don't have anything like that in my life right now.

boring boring boring. what am i going to go do now? get in the shower and go to bed. boring boring boring.

i need something. whatahathahattttt? i need a person really. i know myself and i know that i need a person to unboring it. but i don't know where to find that person. this is a useless post. Abby I am sorry you just read all of that and wasted all that time.

ahh. i'm bored and frustrated with my boredness.

maybe there will be someone interesting at this wedding i'm going to but they will live a plane ride away. i was thinking about having a bowling party and inviting Danny and his girlfriend or one of his friends or someone and having the Rivards, Abby, Katelyn, Jayna, and Mollie, and anyone else we want to invite go. but what's the point? Danny has a girlfriend so i really should just stop wasting my time on him. and it might be nice to get together out of school but i'm not really seeing the appeal right now.

maybe that's because i need to go to sleep. i'm so tired. if i told someone that i went to bed at 8:30 last night they wouldn't believe me or they would be like "Whatttt? i was up until past midnight! how can you go to bed that early!?!" well just watch me.