Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bandaids have the best slogan ever.

Do you even know what it is? They don't use it often and I don't know why. But on the box of Band-Aid brand Bandaid there is a wonderful slogan. Go and google it. Actually I don't know if it will come up. Let me check. OHH if you just googled that you would have gotten the wrong answer. You would have gotten "I'm stuck on Band-Aid and Band-Aid's stuck on me" which is cute when if a two year old says it while swinging on a swing. goodness. i like the one on the box i have.

after i went to the barn i was ready to break down. but what did i do? i endured. and i think i will be just fine. maybe a bit tired tomorrow but i'll make it. i'll make it just fine.

and this time tomorrow i'll be in Virginia. how cool?

and yes i didn't tell you the slogan of the Band-Aids on purpose. just to put you in suspense. maybe you didn't even notice because you don't really pay attention to what i'm saying, you just read it. poo on you. i just showed you up. ooooh. maybe i won't tell you the slogan now because you didn't even notice that i didn't tell you. cause you don't care! nope i'll tell you anyways.

You're going to be just fine.™