Sunday, February 22, 2015

so updates.

first my dad apparently got married 2 days after he had called me to say he was going to get married (no date specified then) and I was never told after the fact. and then just a few days ago, a month later, my mom gets a letter from Yankee Home and tell her he got married. so awesome sauce there.

on more exciting news. I had emailed David from the former King the Kid and current Forever Sunsets while I was in China cause he was looking for an intern, and while I didn't get that position he said to contact him again. so now I contacted him again and he emailed right away and was asking me about Scorched because he was planning a tour for Dave Days and other support to go tour Asia. So that was cool. And then he asked what I was interested in and I said going on tour and/or supporting pre-tour and that I would be willing to relocate to LA during the summer. and then he tweets this:

"I love getting emails from motivated, young, aspiring music-industry professionals. You go Glen Coco. I'll always help as much as I can."

like I was just subweeted by David. wooooo. that's exciting. anyways maybe he will be able to help me and get me on a tour or helping in him LA or something.

I have been emailing a bunch of people just telling them that i'm looking for something so to keep their eyes and ears open for me. people I have emailed: Zach, Rounder, Ole. people I should email: Taylor, TKO Artist Management, Kyle, AJR, Auggie from Scorched...

but it's so nerve wracking. I hate emailing people I know and asking for stuff. it's not as bad with David since I don't know him, I just get nervous afterwards about what he will respond. but I was more nervous about Zach and if I email AJR I'll be freaking out and such. I guess it has to do with the fact that I don't want people to think I am using them. and because I like to do things on my own. with all my previous internships (Rounder, Scorched, Spotify) I found them all on my own and did it all myself. I don't like being reliant on someone else. even though I guess I did find housing through Taylor but that doesn't seem like a big deal.

anyways I feel like I should be doing more for my music stuff. like after David tweeted that he tweeted:

... on that note, huge thanks to for always being an incredible guide & mentor about music and business

Alright, back to tracking

So that makes me feel like I should be looking at his website more (I have used it before) or reading more books and doing more. but then I have school and babysitting and internship and I need some downtime where I just watch Netflix and do nothing.

okay so right now i'm home because I came home for the weekend. so what I should do today: shower, eat food, read asm case, look for articles for arts and entertainment management class, read A+E book, go to the barn, spend time with the fam!