Saturday, September 3, 2011

youtube and tumblr both aren't working. so i turn to blogger or else i'll have to put clothes away or go to the barn or do something productive, which i don't want to do. but so far i've had a good morning. i woke up at 8:30 and was going to go back to sleep but instead texting Josh until he left for work at 9. then i went back to sleep until 11. then i stayed in my bed on my laptop until 12. then i had some breakfast/lunch of leftover pizza. then i came back upstairs and watched youtube videos until they stopped working.

things that i should be doing: putting clothes away, getting dressed, going to the barn, doing homework, planning college visits

yeahhh not really feeling that. i'm just hiding in my room putting on chapstick. oh, my mom just came and visited me. how nice. except she left both of my doors open. i mean comeee onnn, now i have to get up, put my dirty clothes in the laundry room, shut my doors.

i have such a lazy life. but don't worry, i'm back to work again on tuesday. which is just babysitting twice a week. but i'm going to start tutoring too, which will be like work without getting paid. great.

i had an idea for a business though, which i should write down before i forget. but when kids go to visit colleges and take a tour there isn't a great follow up that i've seen. maybe like a thank you for visiting. but what they should have is a little survey. like who led your tour, what did you like about it, what didn't you like about it, are you going to apply, or why not. cause one of the reasons i'm not going to clarkson was cause of their crappy tour. but they'll never know that. how many prospective students are they missing out on because of a bad tour? so what my company would do is we would send some cookies or something along with a survey to the students who took a tour, the college would provide us with the name and address of the students and who led the tour. then these students would be like "oooh! cookies!" and it would take them two seconds to fill out this survey and send it back. and since it's from a third party, they won't feel bad if they tell the truth about the college. then of course when we receive these surveys back, we will give the information back to the college. and we could even take it one step more and look at trends, like everyone who had Eric as a tour guide said that they weren't going to apply. well now the college knows that they need to get rid of Eric as a tour guide. this sort of information could help the college to get more people to apply, and the more people, then the better the selection, and they could have the best students come to their college, which for some reason is important to college even though they'll all pay the same amount.

anyways yeah, that's why i want to be a business student.