Friday, September 2, 2011

only 10 more posts until 1,000

this is the 990th. if all is correct.
i let josh read my blog. for like 20 minutes while i was in the shower. hi josh, assuming i let you read more. he just read from about January to May. which is a lot. and today when i asked him what he thought about it he didn't tell me! we started talking about something else instead. so he needs to tell me, but now he's sleeping. or will be shortly.

but we went to the fair today. which was interesting. but i was reminded why i don't like rides. like even if i didn't get sick on that last one, the rides were just like why did we do that again? but yeah, on the ride i thought i would be fine on, i wasn't. that was a close one. but i've figured out my body pretty well so i know how to handle stuff and that one got better quickly, and i knew i was fine. so abby and josh who are reading this, stop worrying, and stop being sorry. i'll tell you when you need to hold me up in order for me to walk.

i don't know, i wish that hadn't happened but it's whatever. i'm used to stuff like that happening so it's no big deal. i'm fine. seriously.

now i don't know what else to write. i feel like i should be writing more. but i don't know. i guess i should just go to sleep. but i really feel like i should be saying more. whatever.