Thursday, July 22, 2010

i just posted that post like two seconds ago and now my family has to ruin my good mood. they were fighting about how now Maura wanted to play right when Daddy was going to get something to eat and how he never wants to play with him and how he wanted to play with them when he first got home but they were painting nails and then Maeve stared in on how hard her day was so then i said something to make them all shut up but it just got Maeve mad. then Maura and my dad went outside for not even a minute and Maura gets stung by a bee. i saw it too from my seat at the table. i think it was a wasp. she ran inside screeching and yelling, not telling my dad what was wrong. she stopped crying now. i'm not listening to what they are saying. maeve came down and now she is back upstairs. now i'm frowning. jeez. i was just about to go get some dinner but i don't want to listen to them. at least now i have my music playing in my ears.