Sunday, February 22, 2015

so updates.

first my dad apparently got married 2 days after he had called me to say he was going to get married (no date specified then) and I was never told after the fact. and then just a few days ago, a month later, my mom gets a letter from Yankee Home and tell her he got married. so awesome sauce there.

on more exciting news. I had emailed David from the former King the Kid and current Forever Sunsets while I was in China cause he was looking for an intern, and while I didn't get that position he said to contact him again. so now I contacted him again and he emailed right away and was asking me about Scorched because he was planning a tour for Dave Days and other support to go tour Asia. So that was cool. And then he asked what I was interested in and I said going on tour and/or supporting pre-tour and that I would be willing to relocate to LA during the summer. and then he tweets this:

"I love getting emails from motivated, young, aspiring music-industry professionals. You go Glen Coco. I'll always help as much as I can."

like I was just subweeted by David. wooooo. that's exciting. anyways maybe he will be able to help me and get me on a tour or helping in him LA or something.

I have been emailing a bunch of people just telling them that i'm looking for something so to keep their eyes and ears open for me. people I have emailed: Zach, Rounder, Ole. people I should email: Taylor, TKO Artist Management, Kyle, AJR, Auggie from Scorched...

but it's so nerve wracking. I hate emailing people I know and asking for stuff. it's not as bad with David since I don't know him, I just get nervous afterwards about what he will respond. but I was more nervous about Zach and if I email AJR I'll be freaking out and such. I guess it has to do with the fact that I don't want people to think I am using them. and because I like to do things on my own. with all my previous internships (Rounder, Scorched, Spotify) I found them all on my own and did it all myself. I don't like being reliant on someone else. even though I guess I did find housing through Taylor but that doesn't seem like a big deal.

anyways I feel like I should be doing more for my music stuff. like after David tweeted that he tweeted:

... on that note, huge thanks to for always being an incredible guide & mentor about music and business

Alright, back to tracking

So that makes me feel like I should be looking at his website more (I have used it before) or reading more books and doing more. but then I have school and babysitting and internship and I need some downtime where I just watch Netflix and do nothing.

okay so right now i'm home because I came home for the weekend. so what I should do today: shower, eat food, read asm case, look for articles for arts and entertainment management class, read A+E book, go to the barn, spend time with the fam!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

I was watching the Grammy's and I was day I want to be backstage because the artist or band I manage is about to go perform on the Grammy's. that would be the dream right there.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

felt like this horoscope might be accurate:

Cancer Horoscope
(Jun 21 – Jul 22)
There’s a hard-to-define distinction between following your dreams and tending to your current priorities. It’s easy to close your eyes and see the world as a perfect place now, but your vision may only exist in the realm of fantasy. You can set yourself up for disappointment, since your illusions will eventually collide with reality. If you maintain a practical approach to reaching your goals, you will have the potential to be truly inspirational.