Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I love the names of the people in college. Roxelane. Vijay. Abhinay. Irfaan. Vivian. Vinita. Hanishka. Tanushree. Ashray. Amelie. Emmalyne. I love it.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

tonight is the first night i've felt depressed. just sort of tired and sad. not like i want to go home, i want to stay here, i belong here. i just sort of miss being able to watch tv without people talking loudly, and i want to have a sincere one and one conversation. i'm sick of walking around everywhere in packs, because we have to do everything together, because if i do something with just one person then i'm leaving everyone else out. and i want to make some new friends too. but right now i guess i'm going to sleep. although i would love to have one of those late night deep philosophical talks right now. i just don't have anyone to do that with right now. so sleep it is.

and by the way, i hate presidential election time. thank goodness it only comes every four years.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

i'm up at 3:17 in the morning, i've been up all night, what? loving life.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Abby, like I would tell your mom. She is the one who wakes up to get a text from you, which I find ridiculous by the way. But yeah it's good to walk with other people. My friends make me walk with with them, even though I think Babson is safe enough to just walk around. Roxy and I went on a late night run, so it was dark, but we were too gross and sweaty for anyone to want to hit on us no one would be drunk outside the Babo is too strict for that and would catch them.

But right now I should be doing accounting homework...i only have four problem sets, i did one, but ehh i don't want to do more. i kind of want to take a nap.

But grooveboston today and I have a VIP pass! what up!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

i don't really have anything to talk about but i'm waiting for my nails to dry before i go to sleep.

but all is well in college. the only thing that sucks is currently i don't have anyone to eat breakfast with because all of my friends have classes either before or after me ):

still i love it here. i am sure i will like it even more once i meet more people and get settled in even more and join more clubs and such. and yeah. tomorrow i have accounting and calculus and fys, which i love. but yeah i'm sleepy, i wish my nails would dry but now but they are sticky. they are a baby blue with sparkles. fancy, huh?

i guess i'm just trying to figure out who i am and where i fit into babson and with these other people. i'm trying to make myself participate in every class, which i did during my three classes today. the hard part about that is i want to make meaningful comments, not just talking for the sake of talking, which is sometimes hard. but i did well in HSF, not so hot with that in FME. but i think it will get easier.

but i also got training for doing Big Sister for a Day, which is kind of cool because now i can be a part of that program. you know just trying new things and all. i can't wait until ceramics classes start up here because i miss that. and i miss riding but two freshmen are trying to start a riding club so hopefully i will be able to start riding some.

ahh college life is crazy. you are living with a bunch of kids your age. i'm not used it to but so far it's good. i might grow sick of it, but hopefully that holds off for a while longer. and the food isn't the greatest, but today was the first time i had pizza. but that is because we ate late and that was really all that was left. usually i eat pretty healthy like.

umm, what else? apparently someone on the first floor of my dorm threatened someone with a knife. he got arrested but i think he's coming back but he's going to be in a different dorm now. so good stuff.

i have a presentation tomorrow and a speech the day afterwards. but then it's the weekend! i might be doing more community service stuff on friday with Lily. and then we have Groove Boston on Friday night, which should be awesome. then i'll probably sleep all day Saturday and then who knows what else. i love how you can just chill and do what you want!

anyways, sleep now. i'm tired...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

yeah yeah frat parties. not that fun. and another reminder of why i don't drink, since the girls who did drink had some after kick, so who knows what was in their drinks. but now i'm chilling back at the dorm. i'll probably go to another party sometime because i like getting dressed up, but i prefer parties with dancing, not just walking from room to room drinking.

my roommate today fell asleep around 5ish and slept until probably like 9 and then she got up and is now partying. she is living the life. but noo, i like her a lot. she's awesome. anyways, yeah. i'm sleepy. but two more days off before classes. i only have a little bit of homework left because i did a lot today and yesterday. so i'm good.

i went for a run today, for the first time like ever. it felt good. Roxy and I went late, like 8:30ish, and it was so pretty because there was a full moon and all. so it was good.

and now i'm tired and i'm going to pass out, so i will write again soon!