Tuesday, March 31, 2009

guess what stupid rumor i just heard?

according to Bella he got a girl pregnant...wait this is the 2nd girl he got pregnant and he was getting made fun of for it.

rumor. rumor. rumor. rumor. rumor. rumor. rumor. rumor.

stupid to even believe that -cough- Bella.


a fire drill. that is not a drill. so a fire?

holy crap.






today was...strange. and scary. and sort of like...blahish gah. 

let's see. how it started. my mom was pulling into the driveway of the school and i saw some kids outside on the other end of the building, towards the back. i just thought it was for career building or something since we had that today instead of MCAS which the some of the other classes were having. then i heard a beeping. i thought maybe it was something else for career building but i was kind of concerned and was saying in my head, "what?" then as my mom came to a stop i saw everyone coming out of the door. like a bunch of people. i saw the ninth graders first so the only explanation i could think of was "career building started early?" but they wouldn't start it before homeroom. i still wasn't sure what was going on but i told my mom that i saw Abby and off i went towards them then waited for them to get closer and we walked onto the grass. them being Abby, Mollie, Colin, Devin, Josh, Ryan, and some other ninth graders. okay?

i'm not sure when it came to me that it was a fire drill. either Abby said it or i put everything together. then i found out it isn't a fire drill. it isn't a drill. the fire part is true. i don't know who was the first one to tell me or who was the first one to know but all we really knew for "certain" (but not really certain but as close as we could get) was that an eighth grader lit his pants on fire.

i was trying not to think about it. it wasn't a conscience thing. i was just blocking it from my mind not wanting to think about it. i never decided to not really think about it i just didn't. everyone else was still talking about it. they started talking about if he died. then i really didn't want to hear it. at all. it was becoming my decision to not listen to it. so instead i began to think of other things to do.

we were out there for a long time. so i'll try to fill you in with some of what happened out there.

well first there was a big group of ninth graders, they put us in groups according to grades. one of the teachers came around and wrote down our names on the back of a piece of cardboard or something. then our "circle of friends" sort of migrated towards the blacktop since it was warmer over there. so our "circle" become me, Abby, Colin, Mollie, Devin, Josh, Ryan, Lisa for a bit then she left along with Renee.

now i want to talk about Abby. Abby went home early the day before because she felt sick. she was sick that night. she was planning on going to the doctor today. where was she instead? at school. they couldn't get her in until 3. so she was stuck outside with us which probably didn't help her at all. the annoying chatter of Devin didn't help either especially since Devin kept leaning on her even though Abby wasn't stable. Abby had Colin though who was warming her hands and was concerned about her enough for all of us. so i didn't have to be concerned about her! not that i wasn't...

we talked for a bit. back and forth. nothing particular. of course about what we thought. we complained. well i know i complained. i sort of wish i had just shut my mouth and dealt with it but i didn't. i said that i shouldn't have even come at all. my mom said later if she knew that was going to happen she wouldn't have left me at school. she didn't know what was happening...she just dropped me off and later Lynn the Librarian filled her in. anyways back to the complaining. i was complaining about being out in the cold even though some kid just burned himself really badly, his family and friends were probably freaking out. what was i doing during this? complaining about the cold. yay for Molly.

then we saw a worm. a big one. it got bigger then smaller. but it was still bigger. we all made a circle around it and sort of traveled with it. then everyone except for Josh and Ryan sort of moved on but they kept following it. you realize that now that worm is going to be the one thing we always remember about this day. that worm.

right after we saw that Josh and Ryan were still with the worm Colin said a story about how Josh use to pick up all the worms on the pavement and put on them on the grass after a rain storm. then Devin flung herself on Josh saying how sweet he is and is he single? i despise her. seriously.

Abby just reminded me of something. she is writing a blog about this now. her blog url is she reminded me of a comment i made after someone said his pants were on fire, "was he lying?" get it? liar, liar pants on fire...hahaha...yeah. another comment i made was too bad this didn't happen tomorrow. tomorrow is April Fools. i hate April Fools just so everyone knows. but that is about how much i put myself into the conversation about the boy.

i think if we go back to the outdoor activities. we saw firetrucks. unmarked firetrucks that still had flashing red lights. firemen. they went inside. then a while later we saw an ambulance come. they went inside with a stretcher. right now it just came to me what happened to that kid while we were all evacuating and outside waiting. what was he doing? what was he feeling? what was he thinking? who was with him? we saw the stretcher come out with someone on it. i didn't think about what that could mean or what it couldn't mean.

we were still outside. cars were stopped before they drove into the school and were told to drop off their kids or seniors had to go park up at the town hall and walk down since they had a field trip. that was a while before a lot of this.

i'm not sure how much in order this all is. just try to imagine it. 

then we were out there for over an hour. maeve and maura would have been in school. 8:30. yeah. i first got there like 7:3oish. it was probably around that time that i was getting impatient. i started playing the game known as "I'm Thinking of an Animal" or "Got it!" or "20 Questions." Mollie was mostly guessing but then Colin got it but he didn't want to have a turn at thinking of an animal. no one else played. it would have been funner (more fun, whatever) with more people but whatever. then i think i played two rounds of I Spy with Mollie and gave up on that. then I made her guess what horse gait was was doing. that didn't go well. maybe that was before the other games. i don't remember.

it was probably around then we went inside but of course i am going to backtrack and mention a few more things.

Abby wanted to call her mom but she didn't want to get in trouble for using a cellphone. don't blame her. but i still felt bad for the sickly one. i love that strong little girl. <3

i think now i will go inside because the other little details i remember are kind of stupid like Josh talking about a scary movie asking if we saw it then going into details about it which i blocked out by repeating "no thank you" over and over again. and the school bus of elementary school children that drove past us. and Abby's cannibal cousin who came over to us. and how scary us ninth graders are. crap. i'm a ninth grader aren't i? wow.

i think we saw the kids in the parking lot go inside first. then we went in. (8:50ish) we were all put into the cafeteria. the other kids were in the auditorium. i found out later that they were watching WallE. guess what we were doing?

first we were just sort of like blah i guess. they took attendance again. i had my laptop so i took it out after I saw Ryan on his. i played a game of tic tac toe with Mollie. then checkers which i wonnnnn! then we played connect four and everyone was watching and of course i lost. i'm too competitive for my own good and i know it. then i gave up and let Colin play a game of mancala with Mollie.

waitttt. before i got the laptop out i played Concentration with Mollie and then Devin and then played Miss Mary Mack with Mollie. I lost when I played with Mollie and won with Devin. (:

Becca and Lisa asked Colin for his headphones and listened to my itunes. Becca...ehhhhh.

then i started to play this drawing game with Abby who had already taken my whole pencil case (remember i still had my bag seeing as i never went in the school) and was doodling with Colin before. then Abby went to find her cousin i think. i doodled by myself. i listened to music cause Becca gave up the headphones. i was still doodling by myself and such when the principal came in. i turned off the music and listened. i'm going to try to find exactly what she said somewhere. i think it is on Mass Live.

well what she said was not on there. she said something about this morning a child's electronic set on fire and was burned. the school was evacuated for precautions and no other children were hurt. now classes were returning to normal. and no talking to the press, direct them to her.

it was about 9:45 then. first and second period had already gone by. i packed up my laptop and we went to our lockers. the kids in the auditorium hadn't been told yet so the hallways were pretty empty.

that was the first time in my life i was told not to talk to the press. pretty cool...but not really.

so we went to third period. Renee and I were the only people up in Ms. Streker's room. Her door was open so we just let ourselves in and turned on the light. then i went to look and see who was out and i saw a huge horde (vocab word) of people coming down the 7th grade hallway. everyone else was told to come. 

so then everyone was in third period minus the juniors and seniors who didn't have to come to school until 4th period because of the MCAS that they didn't have and the people who were suppose to have it didn't either. Ms. Streker of course didn't even realize she wasn't going to see us today or tomorrow. so we went over one thing from yesterday since she was out then we played 7 up. i played a few times then began writing in my spanish notebook about this just for the sake of doing something. it was a useless period. everyone was really relaxed and easygoing.

it smelled on the third floor.

4th period. we went on class like normal since well that was what we were planning on doing today anyways since that would have been when career building/MCAS would have been over. not really going to go into that. i didn't say much and just did my work. 

health. we watched some of supersize me. i really hope i don't pass out during this movie. i didn't watch the throw up scene so i was good for today. Ms. Levrault told us if anyone said anything about that whether we thought they really were or not to tell an adult. will do Ms. L.

lunch. we talked some. i was just out of it and didn't want to be there. they weren't letting anyone leave or come. there was a police in the hallway.

science. Steph and I talked some. we did our lab.

history. i had to deal with my unmotivated group. we are doing a skit tomorrow. we are going to fail. crap. i'm starting to get nervous now. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. but i can't do everything can i?

now i'll give you a bunch of the stuff i heard. firecracker. more than a firecracker. arsen-something or other that he got from his uncle cause he said it was for his science fair project. a bomb threat. he was planning on hurting people. he wanted to hurt himself. it was intentional. it was unintentional. it was a rocket launcher. he got picked on. his name is Ryan Bishop. his friends got taken away with him.

i rode the bus home. i got home and my mother was outside getting groceries out of the car. she asked what i had heard. which was nothing really. she told me what she heard from Lynn who talked to an EMT. it was a remote control bottle rocket launcher that he set off and got scared so put it in his pocket and it burned his hand, groin, legs. i told her that the kid was picked on a lot. she felt bad for him.

i go to babysitting. i don't mention anything about it to the kids. their mother says "so i heard you had a bit of excitement this morning" when she gets there. i tell her the bits that i know.

i walk home. i don't think about much.

i get there. the kids were asking about it. it is bunny 4H night. there is no need for them to know. they leave.

i talk to Abby and Katelyn on AIM. i am the only one who really knew anything knew. Abby told me it was going to be on the news at 5. i tivo it in. i watch it and let Katelyn watch it by video chatting. everything they say reconfirm what my mother had heard.

he's at a hospital in Boston.

he has serious serious burns.


everyone is like in shock right now. nothing like this has happened at school before. not our school. 

what would have happened if his pants didn't catch on fire? why did he have it in the first place? his intent? what is going to happen to him?

i feel really bad for him right now but what is my sorrow going to do...nothing.

tomorrow i am still going to have to do career building stuff while MCAS is going on. i am going to have to do that stupid history skit that i am dreading because i don't feel prepared for it at all. it's not going to be 5 minutes. i'm worried. and now that is taking over my head even though i still have all of this to worry about. great. what a wonderful life i have.

the truth is i do have a wonderful life and i shouldn't be complaining so i am going to shut up now.

i started this blog at about 5:25pm. it is 6:44.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


[ read the one below this first ]

i really have a great life. i love my life. i have great family. great friends. everything is wonderful. not perfect. but wonderful. i'm smiling right now. (:

something i said before has been bothering me

[ read the one below this first. ]

something i said before has been bothering me. let me open up and new window and copy and paste.
I definitely don't love him. sorry. that was harsh. but it's true. actually it wasn't harsh at all. it sucks.
now that i just recopied that i don't know what to say. it was just sort of bothering me. it is the truth though, i don't. that just bothered me. not sure why. why can't i just have clearer answers?

now i need to go post another one of these things...brb.

i kind of feel like crying.

the sad part is i do. feel like crying. but i'm not going to. Maura is opposite of me at the end other end of the table. i need to be strong for her. i need to be strong for myself. i can let one day and something that mother nature has graced with me with since i'm a lovely girl ruin my day. don't have to worry about tears ruining my makeup - don't own any. not that i care. well i do but not extremely. just sort of one of those things. but i don't care. i really don't. 

today way to explain it. at all. i guess everything was okay. it was a delayed start so i got to sleep in. that was nice. i took a shower in the morning. but my hair was cooperating. it was being awful. i managed to get in into something but i didn't really like it and it wasn't worth all the time i spent with it. can't i just chop it all off and then not have to worry about it ever again? oh right. i can't. because society doesn't work like that. guys can be bald. not girls. stupid.

the thing was that nothing happened today. expect for 7th period but that made it worse. i'll guess i'll get to that later. the thing is i don't have anything to look forward to. i can't really think of anything except getting out of the house and my future. but really most of the stuff i am learning won't help me in life except from the whole social part which i hate.

yes i have friends. i have wonderful friends. but the thing is i never see them out of school. when i do it is extremely awkward. which shows they aren't the best best best friends that they could be. my fault mostly. i'm not good with people. now i feel like crying again. i shouldn't though. so what? oh right. i'm going to have to deal with people for the rest of my life.

i don't want to talk about 7th period really. i didn't realize someone had stolen my book. this book that i couldn't put down. it made me feel pretty awful. not to mention there is one kid in that class i can't talk to at all cause i am just stupid like that. i always just feel awkward in that class. not sure why...maybe it has something to do with that whole fact i can't see to get along with people just right. it's like they are all on a radio channel and i'm trying to tune myself so i'm on the same channel but it keeps coming in fuzzy for me and it just isn't crystal clear yet. figures.

is it weird that i get attached to books? like i fall in love with characters and hate others? i put myself into the story and i think like - "OMG! I don't believe that for a second. I don't like him at all. I bet he is doing something with..." seriously. i don't just read a book. i'm reading The House of Night by P.C. and Kristin Cast and i so wish i was a vampyre. not one of them but like i was just another character in their circle of friends. you know what i mean? it's strange. i do it with a lot of books. some more than others.

i want to write a book someday. a book that girls like me, my age, will fall in love with. fall in love with the characters and hate others. one they can connect with. one they have to buy at the bookstore. one that they love. yet i know i'm not going to be an author for my living. yet i know i will write a young adult fiction book.

i love to write. i think i have a ton of books that i have started but haven't finished. i don't think that - i know that. i wish that i could just sit down and write. like now. but i don't have the time. which is why i haven't been writing in this lovely blog thing. that and i forget or i don't feel like it. i really should write more often. it's good for me.

let me clear something up - i'm not depressed. no matter what i have said or i'm going to say. i'm not depressed. okay? thanks.

i wish i could talk to my sister about more things. i feel as though we never talk about anything. i wish i was a better older sister.

now i feel like crying again. because i'm not as good as an older sister as i could be.

the thing is my family doesn't talk about anything. actually my sisters do talk a lot but not about anything which is making me want to cry right now. my mother asks me everyday how was school and everyday i say good or fine. i guess i could tell her everything there but i don't know how to put my feelings into words. not even when i am writing them. i can't say everything that i can feeling just by typing this up. seriously. sooooooo much i'm not saying right now. because i don't know how. 

i think when i get a horse of my own it will help. a lot. i will have someone who is all mine. who i can connect with and work with. who needs me just as much as i need them. sure, it'll be a horse and not a person but it is better than nothing. i just need to find that right horse. isn't it awful that some horses i can't get because i'm too tall? cause i look too big? stupid. yet i understand it completely.

one day i am going to completely crack. i know it's coming. the only way i can stop it is if things start going my way so the crack will start to mend itself.

you know those boyfriends and girlfriends that teenagers get in high school? i don't have one. i don't want one. i don't believe in them. i don't think they should exist. i don't think that they are true love. i don't know if anything will become of them. i don't...


i think the only reason i am saying all of that is because i haven't been in love yet. yes i have had lots of crushes but i haven't loved any of them. i may have thought i did. i didn't. not even close. i still don't have anyone. of course there is one crush - that 7th period person. but honestly i don't think i really do. really do what? like him. love him. whatever. i definitely don't love him. sorry. that was harsh. but it's true. actually it wasn't harsh at all. it sucks. especially since i don't think that any guy has any feelings for me what so ever. YAY! that means that i'm an ugly little anti-social smart girl who just drags her way through life and no one is really sure if she has any friends or not or if she is just a freak who is trying to be cool and fit in which isn't really working out for her and she should just give up.

okay that was harsh. i know i shouldn't say those things about myself. i'm suppose to say positive things to myself. but i'm not in a very positive mood right now. i don't have charisma or whatever that is that my health teacher was talking about. yeah. i'm pretty much an outcast. 

okay. time to move on. let me just remind you again - not depressed.

i'm just a typical teenager. i'm sure that everyone else is thinking the same way i am and they think the same things and blah, blah, blah. really knowing that doesn't help at all. i know the only reason that i'm thinking this is because i'm a teenager and that is what teenagers do - hate themselves and their family. not gonna happen. wait it already is. minus the family part. i love them soooo much but i don't tell them much. instead i keep it all inside like i'm not suppose to.

now i'm not sure what to write about. it's not like there isn't anything else to write. there is lots. i think i just kind of took it all out of me right now. but i still feel everything in my chest. it's all there. i guess i feel little bit better but in a way i'm no different than when i started writing this.

if you are reading this just remember - i'm not depressed. you are probably amazing if you are reading this and it's not our fault i feel this way. not at all. it's just me. and i don't think feeling this way is really a bad thing...? whatever. i'm not going to over think this like i do with everything else. and you don't over think this either.

i managed to not cry through this whole thing.

Monday, March 2, 2009

what tis happening is happening. wait. what i thought would happen is happening. i haven't been posting in this as much. I have sort of lost interest and don't have time. Maybe i'll do it more now but i highly doubt that. Seeing as I don't want to write anymore. so yeah. :/